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I am almost five months pregnant and I look like Anelisa, who is ready to give birth. Ok maybe I’m exaggerating but I am bigger than normal at this stage of my pregnancy.  Qhawe has been great.  Even though I can be difficult at times but he puts up with me and the guys too, they have been great.  Even the kids have been awesome, they like playing with my stomach and talking to the babies.  Lwanele and Lisakhanya take turns to read bed time stories for them.  Zenande likes singing to them and the rest would just talk them, telling them about their day and everything.  It’s been amazing.  Qhawe speaks to them every morning when we wake up, when he leaves for work he kiss them goodbye and when he comes back from work.  And the most ridiculous thing he does is when he calls and asks me to put the phone on my stomach so that he can talk to his babies.  I find that to be absolutely ridiculous.  Apparently it’s something he did with all his kids.  He is crazy if you ask me.  When we visit Sizwe, he would have me sit next to Anelisa and introduce the babies to his baby.  Him and Qhawe have just gone crazy over these pregnancies. I must say my relationship with Anelisa is getting better, she is really trying, even with her kids she is trying and eventually they will get there.  Tonight everyone is here,  we are having a braai, no special occasion just something we like to do to spend time together as a family.  We also invited Sindiswa and she is bringing someone with her.  Uncle Mncedi asked to look out for her since he is in the Eastern Cape.  He flies in once a month to visit her.  He always comes with Zwelibanzi’s mother, who loves spending time with her grandkids.
Qhawe:  My Queen. (he walks up to me kisses and kisses my stomach too)
Me:  My King.  You are home.  How was your day?
Qhawe:  my day was good.  What are you doing here alone when everyone is by the pool. 
Me:  I came to change into a dress, I just wanted to be comfortable.
Qhawe:  and you look very sexy and very yummy, I could eat you up right now.  ( he walks close and I walk until I fall on the bed) You should know by now that you can’t runaway from  me, I will always catch you. (he says that hovering over me kissing me every where on my face except my lips.  I really love the attention he gives me, I love the fact that he is clingy as I am. He picks me and sits on the bed making me sit on top of him with my legs wrapped around his waist.) I need help taking my shirt off.
Me:  I think you can manage on your own my love.
Qhawe:  I’m too tired, I need you to help me.  (I think the babies just moved.)
Me:  did you feel that?
Qhawe:  did they just move?
Me:  I think so.  (they move again) give me your hand.  (he does and I put it on my stomach and they move again.)  they are moving baby, this is the first time they move.  They are moving.
Qhawe:  if feels wonderful baby, I think we have soccer players.  Oh my God, they are moving again.  Is the moving not causing discomfort?
Me:  Not now, maybe when they are bigger.  I’ll start feeling it. (he grabs my face and kisses me.)
Qhawe:  thank you for carrying them and I’ll be here always.  You never have to raise them alone.
Lwanele:  can I feel too?
Qhawe:  how long have you been here, long enough to take pictures and a short video.  (Lwanele has taken it upon herself to take pictures of every moment of this pregnancy.)
Lwanele:  wow mom, they are moving.  Does is hurt.
Me:  No baby it doesn’t.
Lwanele:  they stopped now.  that was awesome.
Me:  come let’s go downstairs and give daddy space so that he can change.  We’ll see you downstairs (I kiss him and walk out of the bedroom with my daughter.)
Lwanele:  When are we going to the Eastern Cape, I miss the grandparents.
Me:  you are going next weekend
Lwanele:  I can’t wait. ( As we walk out to the pool where everyone was sitting)  hey guys I just felt the babies move.
Lonwabo:  and you didn’t call us (he says walking up to me and touching my stomach)
Lwanele:  we were upstairs and you were here.  Besides I only found out because I went up to take some pictures of her and daddy.
Lwazi:  when are we seeing these pictures you are taking.
Lwanele:  When I have enough pictures uncle Lwazi.
Ntando:  I want to feel them move.
Zenande:  Me too
Me:  You know what, when they move again tonight while we are still here, I’ll tell you.  I see you are done with the salads
Thando:  Yes we are done.  They are busy with the meat and ii think they’ll be done soon. (Qhawe walks in; he is in his shorts and a t-shirt, no shoes just like me.  It is a hot day.)
The evening continues and it is nothing but fun.  Sindiswa arrived with her boyfriend, I think his name is Sipho apparently he has met some of the guys.We also met Bandile’s sons Asive and Ayanda who also seem to be getting along with the other kids.  Sizwe is here too except for Anelisa. We enjoy ourselves and the conversations are flowing, Mcebisi and Sipho are fitting in well with the guys.  The babies move again and everyone was taking turns feeling them move. This is just a precious moment for me and everyone in this family.  I swear these babies are going to be spoilt.
I was sitting with the guys when Lungi walked up to me.
Lungi:  can I talk you for a second.
Me:  sure, no problem have a sit
Lungi:  actually in private.  If you don’t mind can we go to the lounge.  (I look at Khaya)
Me:  Khaya what did you do
Khaya:  Nothing, I also don’t know why she wants to talk to you.
Me:  You better be sure you did nothing wrong otherwise you are going to get it.  ( I get up and we walk to the lounge leaving everyone confused.  As we settle on the couch)  What’s wrong Lungi, did he hurt you?
Lungi:  he’s been nothing but a gentlemen, I just need some advice that’s all.
Me:  ok, what’s up?
Lungi:  Well I mentioned to Khaya earlier today that I think I am ready.  ( she pauses a bit, leaving me confused a bit as well.  What is she ready for, I wait for her to say something and I think she can see my confusion)  I’m ready to give myself to Khaya.
ME:  OH!!! You mean that kind of ready.  Shouldn’t you be talking to the other ladies about this, are you sure you want to talk to me about it.  (I’m actually not sure this is the conversation I want to have with her but then again she chose me for a reason.)
Lungi:  Yes I’m sure I want to talk to you about this and you seem to understand Khaya better than everyone else, plus i'm talking to you because I want to hear a male’s point of view.  It will be my first time and I am sure that I want Khaya to be the one.  I love him and I know he loves me but sometimes I get the sense that he was actually glad that I wasn’t ready for it, even though I know he’s been suffering.
Me:  to any decent, good guy, it would be a precious moment, a precious gift,especially if he loves that woman.  He might seem like he is glad  that you are not ready but it’s not that, it’s the respect he has for you and understanding how you feel and that when you are ready you won’t hesitate.
Knowing my son, he is probably excited that you chose him at the same he is scared , wondering if you going to enjoy it and most of all he is scared of hurting you.
Lungi:  I heard that the first time hurts.
ME:  yes it does, but you will have to speak to the ladies about that, they will be able to tell you how it feels exactly.  Tell me something Lungi, don’t you talk to your mom about these things
Lungi:  My mom is not one those women who talks to her child about staff like this and I also don’t have that many friends and the ones I have,I don’t talk about my personal life with them. I asked to talk to you because I have learned that sometimes with these things it is good to get advice from a man as well.
As ready as I am; I am also scared
ME:  You don’t have to be, I’m sure he’ll be gentle.  He is also scared trust me and he won’t break up with you afterwards if that’s what you are worried about.  He loves you too much to hurt you like that.
Lungi:  He has experience, lots of experience what if I don’t satisfy (Sizwe walks in)
Me:  Khaya is a gentleman, he understands that it’s your first time and he doesn’t expect you to go into this knowing everything you need to do.  He will teach.
Sizwe:  that’s what any good guy should do.  You shouldn’t worry so much, just relax and go with the flow.  Shouldn’t you be having this conversation with the ladies?
Qhawe:  she wanted advice from a man
Sizwe: and she chose to talk you
Qhawe:  Why not me?
Sizwe:  you are too emotional these day.
Qhawe:  ayikho lento uyithethayo.  Unomona qha wena.  ( that’s nonsense, you are just jealous)
Lungi:  ok guys wait, are you really going to argue about who I should have chosen.
Qhawe:  No we are not.  This one is just jealous that’s all.
Lungi:  let’s move on.  I have another problem.  Khaya’s ex.  We saw her today at the mall while we were shopping and she said that she wanted Khaya back but we dealt with her.  but I have this feeling that I can’t shake, that she is going to cause problems for us and I don’t know what to do.
Sizwe:  Khaya mentioned it to me earlier and he has the same feeling and worried about it.
Qhawe:  let’s wait and see if she makes another move and if she does, you guys must tell us and we’ll deal with her.  Do not and I repeat Do not tell Khanyi, I don’t want her stressing, she doesn’t like that girl.
Sizwe:  I really don’t understand that girl and don’t think I ever will. I don’t even know what Khaya saw in her.
Lungi:  don’t judge, he saw something, leave my man alone.  Anyway, thank you for your advice and thank you for listening.

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