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I walk over to Sibahle who was sitting alone crying.

Me:  what’s wrong sis?
Sibahle:  Nothing.  It’s nothing
Me:  It can’t be nothing if it’s making you cry.  Why do you let those guys walk all over you like that?
Sibahle:  What am I suppose to do Wabo?
Me:  Stand up for yourself
Sibahle:  I’m too scared.
Me:  so because you are scared you are not going to stand up for yourself.  You are going to cry about it everyday. I know you are not scared Sibahle.  Do what you need to do, you don’t have to hurt them stand up and defend yourself  (the same girls we are talking about walk up to us with some guys)
Girl 1:  Your brother is cute, can I have his numbers  (I look at her and ignored her)
Girl 2:  looks like he is a shy one.
Me:  If you don’t mind we are having a private conversation, please leave.
Guy 1:  or what?
Me:  Or nothing, just leave us alone.
Girl 1:  Looks like big brother is protecting his sister.  She can’t even speak for herself. (Sibahle has been looking down all this time not saying anything.  This girl takes her books and throws them on the floor.)  you think you are better than all of us just because the lecturers like you. 
Me:  Sibahle remember what dad taught you
Sibahle:  But you always say violence is not the way to solve things
Me:  not in this case.
Girl 2:  Oh please what can this one do, she can’t even hurt a fly.  (Sibahle stands up, while this girl was waving her hand in her face.  She grabs girl’s hand and twists it to her back and pins her on the table holding her face down.  She looks at girl 1)
Sibahle:  Pick up my books put them in my bag.
Guys 1:  what do you think you are doing? (he asks walking over to Sibahle)
Me:  Touch her and I swear I will make regret the day you ever laid your eyes on her.  If anything happens to her after today, you will run but you won’t be able to hide from me.  I’ll find you and when I find you trust me when I tell you that no one will ever find you.  You don’t know who we are, don’t mess with us.  Just because we keep to ourselves in this campus doesn’t give you the right to walk all over us. (they pick up her books and put them in her back pack while the other girl is still pinned down swearing at Sibahle)  QUIET you attracting unnecessary attention to yourself.  Sibahle lets go of her.
Sibahle:  I didn’t want to do this, but keep pushing me I’ll do worse.  Just leave me alone.  (they all walked away but as they walk away Girl 1 comes back to us)
Girl 1:  this is not over.
Sibahle:  If you know what’s good for you then you will understand that it is over.  (she clicks her tongue and walks away.) I really didn’t want to do that.
Me:  how long were you going to cry because you are angry at what they were doing or angry at yourself that you are doing nothing about it?
Sibahle:  I get it Wabo.  I just don’t want to attract attention to us.
Me:  I know and I understand but Sibahle you can’t let people walk all over you and talking to that group wouldn’t have mattered, you needed to be hardcore.  How many times have spoken to them told them this was wrong but still they continue harassing you, you’ve reported them still they harass you.  That had to happen just as long as you don’t hurt or kill anyone you are good.  They needed to see that you are not some defenceless doll.  Even if I’m not around you, they’ll think twice before approaching you.
Sibahle:  thank you my twin.  I love you
Me:  I love you too.  Let’s get back to class.
Sibahle:  Mom is going to freak out when I tell her.
Me:  dad will be like “yes that’s my girl.”  (we both laugh as we walk to our classes.)
Me:  Dad the weddidng is in July and I need to get all the guys so that you can have your measurements taken for your traditional attires
Dad:  When do you need us to that?
Me:  I’ve made an appointment for you guys for tomorrow at 17:30
Dad:  I’ll let your uncles know.  Where is Lwandle she also said something about fittings
Lwandle:  I’m here.  Fittings on Wednesday and we only have a week and a half to our wedding day.
Dad:  This is too much.
Lwandle:  You wanted to get married before your daughter.
Dad:  I know, because I want us to be there for her as Mr and Mrs Langa.  Is that so wrong?
Me:  it’s not dad.  Actually I like it that way.  When are Khaya’s parents getting married.  I thought they would also be getting married now.
Dad:  those two.  I don’t know.  They are taking their own sweet time.
Me:  they are good together.  I remember when the quintuplets were a month old and we went to the East London to have IMBELEKO done for them.  I really thought Khaya’s dad was going to propose that weekend.  The way he was, was just amazing.  In fact all you guys are the same.  They way you look at your partners, you would kill for them.
Dad:  You should see how Khaya looks at you.  (I instantly blush.  The door bell rings)
Me:  I’ll get it.  (I walk to the door and open it.  Who are these people.)
Sihle:  Lungi! (I didn’t see her)
Me:  mama what are you doing here and who are these people?
Sihle:  We are here to see you and your dad. (I move aside to let them in and call dad) Luyanda how are you?
Dad:  I’m good.  What are you doing here Sihle?
Sihle:  Luyanda as you can this is my family.  We came to talk to you and Lungi
Lwandle:  would you like something to drink
Lady:  yes sisi, juice please and some water.  Thank you
Sihle:  these are my aunts and uncles Lungi. 
Lungi:  it is nice to meet.  Mom I don’t get this
Aunt 1:  Luyanda we did you wrong and we are here to apologise for what you had to go through.
Luyanda:  Why now? you had 21 years to come clean, why now.
Aunt 1:  because it is the right thing to do and yes we should have done it a long time and we are sorry we didn’t.
Luyanda:  Let me tell you why. It’s because Lungi is getting married and you want to be part of the wedding because if Lungi was not getting married you wouldn’t be here today.  let me tell you this before this conversation drags on longer than necessary.  I accept your apology, in fact we accept your apology but I am not changing my mind about what I said.  You are not welcome to my daughter’s wedding and you are not getting the Lobola money.  That money is hers and she going to use to finish her studies.  (the room goes quiet.  I knew it.  I knew this is about the money)
Me:  so this is about the money?
Sihle:  Lungi I raised, I was your parent all these years.
Me:  Who’s fault was it mama that you were a single parent.  Let me remind you mama that you chose to be a single parent and you come here apologising and your apology is not even sincere all you want is the money.  Do you know what hurts the most mama, the fact that you planned it all and now you want us to feel sorry for you.  You are my mother and I love you but right now I find it hard to forgive you especially when you have just proven that the only thing you care about is the Lobola money.
Aunt 2:  Are you going to let her talk to her mother like that? (she asks looking at my dad)
Lwandle:  with all due respect ma, what do you want him to do.  She is expressing how she feels, she is not disrespecting anyone or insulting anyone.
Aunt 2:  I wasn’t talking to you wena.  You have nothing to do with this.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it was you who said Sihle should not get this money.
Luyanda:  You are not going to come into my house and disrespect my wife like that.  I draw the line there.  Since we have nothing else to talk about please leave my house.
Uncle 1:  what you are doing is wrong.  The lobola money goes to the parent that raised the child.
Luyanda:  I said please leave my house or I’ll call the police and have you arrested for trespassing on private property.
Me:  mama please just leave.  It’s obvious that you don’t care about my feelings.  The only thing you care about is money.
Aunt 2:  Let’s go.  This is not over.  We’ll have to talk to a lawyer about this (dad chuckles)
Luyanda:  You do that.  Remember I am a lawyer too.  (this woman clicks her tongue and they walk away,)
Sihle:  Luyanda please don’t do this?
Dad:  Sihle leave.  I told you that by the time I am done with you; you will beg me to kill you.  You have the guts to come here with a fake apology just for money.  What about our daughter Sihle, doesn’t it matter to you that the money is going to help her further her studies, doesn’t it matter to you what she wants?  Don’t answer that,  just get out of my house.  (she looks at me with tears in her eyes.  I just walk away leaving her standing there with Lwandle following me.

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