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Micheal Arendse and Andiswa were sentenced to life in prison, Sima and Nkosikhona  got 15 years for money laundering and kidnapping.  Natasha was sentenced to life as well for multiple murders, she confessed to killing 4 people under her father’s instructions. Amanda was stripped of her license to practise as a lawyer.  She was also sentenced  to 20 years being an accessory to murder and kidnapping also for money laundering.  Zwelibanzi is still living a comfortable life in jail, he has found his own way.  Zwelibanzi asked to see the kids for his birthday and they went to visit him but Qhawe stayed behind this time.
Zwelibanzi:  You guys look good.
Lonwabo:  You don’t look too bad yourself
Zwelibanzi:  Your mom is really doing a great job with you guys.
Ntando:  yes she is.  We try not to be difficult kids under the circumstances.
Lwanele:  We got you something for your birthday (Lwanele gave him a framed picture of the three of them with the twins. )
Lonwabo:  Look at the back.  (there was something written on it.  “Trying to do better is better than not trying at all.”)
Zwelibanzi:  Khanyi you are really doing a great job with them.  I wish I had been a better father.  Thank you so much for this and I really do hope that one day you will find it in your hearts to forgive me.
Lonwabo:  we hope that picture will give you motivation to do better, and yes maybe someday we will forgive you.  Happy birthday Banzi
Zwelibanzi:  thank you. 
When they left that day and Zwelibanzi went back to his cell, he couldn’t help but let his tears fall.  He knows how he has hurt them and how much he is missing out.  Not listening to his father is something he will always regret.
Everything has been going great for everyone, they have been very happy but is their peace and happiness going to last this time

ME:  Dad can we talk
Qhawe:  yeah sure, what’s going on?
Me:  it’s about the lobola negotiations
Qhawe:  ok.  What’s on your mind?
Me:  I would like us to prepare to go to the Eastern at the End of this month.  You do know that uncle Luyanda is going to the Eastern Cape this weekend with Lungi to introduce her to the family and let them know that we will be coming.  I would  like you to send a letter to uncle Luyanda before he leaves giving him the date of when we will be going there so that they can discuss it when he is there.
Qhawe:  You really have grown from the first time I met you.  Who would have thought I would be your dad today and getting ready to marry you off to my friend’s daughter.  (we both laugh at that.)  ok I’ll send the letter to Luyanda.  Who do you want to be part of the negotiations.  Bare in my mind that your uncles are crazy and very protective of you. 
Me:  I was hoping you would choose them yourself or they can all go.  I don’t want to have some of them feeling left out.  Mom can actually help with the choosing, where is she?
Qhawe:  Your mom doesn’t like me very much today.
Me: What did you do?
Qhawe:  honestly I have no idea.  Lwazi has a tendency of saying things and I end being blamed.. Today is one of those days.
Me:  am I going to have to go through this with Lungi?
Qhawe:  maybe not.  Pregnancies are not the same.  She is eight months pregnant and she can give birth anytime, I don’t think she is going to make it to nine months.  We even had to move our bedroom downstairs.  So you can imagine why she  doesn’t like me. (my phone rings interrupting us and It’s Lungi)
ME:  Excuse me dad, it’s the wife to be.  (he just smiles at me) Hello babe
Lungi:  My Lollipop how are you?
Me:  good baby and you
Lungi:  I’m good.  Don’t forget to pick up from work, I’m almost done.
Me:  I’m on my way.  I just had a conversation with dad about the Lobolo negotiations
Lungi:  we’ll talk about it when you are here.  I love you, see you soon.
Me:  I love you too.

Qhawe:  How are things between her and her mom.
Me:  they are I still rocky, she is finding it hard to forgive her and I understand how she feels, she just needs time. Her and her dad are doing good though,  their relationship is working out.
Qhawe:  Always stand by her and don’t push her too hard to forgive her mom, she will do that in her own time, it has to come from her she must not be forced.
Me:  I hear you dad.  Let me go, otherwise she’ll kill me if I’m late.  I’ll see you guys later. Go check on mom maybe she is ok now.  (with that said I leave.)

You know, I am going to ban Lwazi from talking to Khanyi because he always gets me into trouble.  One minute she likes me and the next she doesn’t.  I can’t keep up so I just let her be.  I thought my food cravings would have stopped by now but they are still the same and we always crave the same things.  Let me go check on her.

Me:  Mama bear
Khanyi:  Qhawe (she smiles at me.  That means we are good)
Me:  how are you feeling my love?
Khanyi:  I feel tired.  I just want to give birth now.  I’ve had this sharp pain that comes and goes but I thinks it’s because they were kicking a lot today and too much sex last night.  (I slide into bed next to her, holding her from behind, kissing her neck.) no Qhawe, you are not getting between my legs today.
Me:  yes baby I’m not.  I’m just being intimate with my woman.  I want to enjoy this time with you before you hate me again. Lately I never know.    Tell me darling, how are the kids businesses doing, I really haven’t had the time to look at the financials that you sent me.   We have been so busy at the office lately.
Khanyi:  they are doing really good.  But I can’t tell you the figures, you won’t believe me so you’ll have to look at the financial reports I sent you.  I also sent you the financial report for my company and your company as well.  So Mr Mthimkhulu you will have to make time and look at the reports.
Me:  I definitely will.  (we continue talking about business and general staff.  I don’t know when we fell asleep but I felt her gently waking me up.)
Khanyi:  Qhawe wake up mani.
Me:  What’s wrong my Queen (I ask with my eyes closed.)
Khanyi:  I think the babies are coming.
Me:  hayi Khanyi that’s not something to joke about. (my eyes still closed.)
Khanyi:  Qhawe wake up and get the car this is not a joke.  We need to go to the hospital. (she is so calm she doesn’t sound like someone who is in labour.  I roll over, get off the bed putting my shoes on and I’m taking my time.)  OUCH!!! Qhawe hurry up. ( I look at her and she looks very serious.)
ME:  Oh my god you are serious.  Why are you not screaming and shouting like all the other women. 
Khanyi:  I’m not other women, I’m me.  (she stops moving) mmmmhhhhhh (she breathes in and out a few times.)
Me:  Here get in the back, I’ll help you lie down. ( I do exactly that and it’s a good thing we are not at the farm this week. I drive off as fast as I can and she keeps telling me she loves me and then she hates me, what amazes me is that she is so calm, she talks as she normally does and she hasn’t used one single swear word.  On the way to the hospital I call Bandile and tell him the babies are coming and Dr Nkosi.  As soon as we get to the hospital Dr Nkosi and Johnson were already waiting for us at the entrance with a stretcher.  They get her out of the car and we rush to the delivery room.
Khanyi:  Sibusiso, I need you to take these babies out.  Ooouch!!!  I think my water just broke.(the doctors quickly  get her ready in the delivery room.  Even though she was not screaming like a mad person, I could tell she was in pain and the doctors kept saying she was not ready yet.)
You know I hate you right, if you didn’t make me enjoy the sex so much I wouldn’t be in this situation.
Qhawe:  I know Baby Girl, and I am sorry and I love you very much. Thank you for going through all this for me.
Khanyi:  it hurts Qhawe, it hurts so bad.  I think the doctor should just cut me open and take these babies. lmmmmmhhhhhhhhhh  I feel like pushing
Doctor:  When I tell you to push, you must push ok.  (she nods and looks at me)
Khanyi:  thank you for being here (the doctor tells her to push.  The pushes twice and the first baby is out and it’s a boy. )
Me:  the rest can be girls.  Thank you my Queen.  (she is told to push again second baby out, she goes on and on until the fourth baby. )
Khanyi:  Qhawe I can’t anymore I’m tired.  (she is really tired, she can barely keep her eyes open, she is really driained.)
Doctor:  I just need one more push from her and the baby is out.
Me:  You hear that my Queen.  Just one more push and you are done.  Look at me baby just take one deep breath and give it everything you’ve got.  I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.(she does exactly what I tell her, holding on to my hand and pushes hard  and the baby is out.)  You did it baby, you did it. (she gives me a faint smile and she closes her eyes and immediately I go into panic mode.)  is she ok doc.  I can’t lose her.
Doctor:  don’t worry, she is ok.  The machines would have indicated if there was anything wrong.  She is just tired, extremely tire.  She will be out for a while.  Why don’t you go get yourself some water, while we clean them up, we’ll move her to the ward or do you want a private room for her. 
Me:  A private room please.
Doctor:  congratulations Mr Mtimkhulu.  Three girls and two boys.
Me:  she is going to kill me when she wakes up.  She wanted girls only saying there are too many males in the house.
Dr Johnson:  I don’t think she will, at least she is getting three girls.
Me:  I’m just happy, I’ll die a happy man.

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