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The past two weeks have been good. We are now on the last week of September.   It has been amazing.  Work is really hectic lately, we’ve been getting a lot of new clients.  Khanyi’s marketing strategy is really working.  I wish I had met her sooner maybe it was destined to be this way.  She is amazing, the pregnancy is going good so far but she is so clingy.  When the clinginess starts, I can’t go anywhere without her.  I’m enjoying every minute of it though.  She always just wants me around.  She is also still looking for her replacement.  Ibanathi didn’t want the position saying it’s too much responsibility but he will take the CFO position, since the current CFO has resigned. The kids are doing great and today we are taking the girls to see Anelisa, we’ve been putting off this trip for a while now.
Sibahle:  Dad we are ready, we’ll be in the kitchen. (she shouts outside our bedroom door)
Me:  We’ll be there.  Babe are you ready let’s go.
Khanyi:  I’m ready, but are you sure you want me to come with you. 
Me:  Yes I’m sure, the girls want you to come and she also asked if you could come.
Khanyi:  Let’s go.
The girls were waiting downstairs for us and they look nervous about this whole thing. I grab the car keys and we leave.  She walks in, she looks pregnant, she’s probably four or five months pregnant now.  No pregnant woman should be in prison.  It must be difficult for her and she looks different she looks peaceful. Khanyi decided not to sit with us, she wanted to give the girls and Anelisa their time.
Anelisa:  Hi
Me:  hi, how are you?
Anelisa:  I’m good. Where is Khanyi? (I point at the table she is sitting at.)  Can she please join  us.  (I walk over to her and take her hand and walk back to our table.)
Sibahle:  You look good mommy
Anelisa:  thank you Bahle and you guys also look amazing.  Look at your hair all of you, it’s beautiful and you are keeping it natural.
Lisakhanya:  Mom does our hair and she always says we have grandma’s hair.
Me:  she is right, you have your grandma’s beautiful hair.
Anelisa:  how have you girls been?
Zenande:  We’ve been good, we are happy and we are seeing a therapist twice a month now.
Anelisa:  Why are you seeing a therapist?
Sibahle:  We found it hard to cope with you trying to kill mom, it was really a tough time for us and we didn’t even understand why you did it.  Why did you do it?
Lisakhanya:  Ever since the shooting, I’ve been having nightmares about it but seeing a therapist has been helping and Wabo has been a great help too. I don’t get them that much anymore
Anelisa:  Who is Wabo?
Lisakhanya:  My brother.
Anelisa:  I see. Sibahle I did what I did because I was jealous that your father was happy with someone other than me.  I wanted him to be happy with him.  I didn’t like that someone else could make him so happy and I couldn’t.
Zenande:  you do realise that, if she had died, you have taken his happiness away and not his, but ours too.
Anelisa:  I realise that and I am truly sorry.  I’m sorry that I was never the mother you needed me to be, I was too caught up in what I wanted.  I really hope that one day when I get out of here, you will give me a chance.
Sibahle:  we love you, we’ve always wanted to have a mother-daughter relationship with you but you never gave it a chance.  We have that with Khanyi.  Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying we won’t try to have a relationship with you we will but you must not compare with mom.  She has never tried to replace you, she is always encouraging us to maintain a relationship with you and we will do that.  we will also visit you from time to time and I hope that when you do get out, you won’t try to kill her again.
Anelisa:  I would never do that again.  A few weeks back I realised that I love another but I ruined everything because at the time of the shooting I didn’t even know that I loved him because when he asked me to give him a chance I was too caught in getting your father back and now I’ve lost him forever.
Thank you so much for giving me a chance.  Believe me I do love you very much and I am really sorry.
Khanyi I am truly sorry for what I did.  Being in here has me realise a lot of things and I’ve also learned a lot about myself, and I am happy to say that I have discovered who I really am. To be honest I have been seeing a therapist too and it has helped a lot. Qhawe I’m aslo sorry for everything I’ve put you through especially with kids.  I know you loved and cared for me and I betrayed you.  I am sure though you would never loved me the way you love her, she is your soul mate, anyone can see it.
Lisakhanya:  we forgive you mommy
Khanyi:  she is right we do forgive you. Anelisa all I want is for  them to be happy and be content of who they are and be content with their family.
Me :  and they are.  They are happy and content.
Anelisa:  thank you Khanyi for giving them what I couldn’t, I hope one day we can be friends.
Khanyi:  maybe, only time will tell.
Sibahle:  We love you and the twins love you.  They will come see you soon if their big brother has anything to do with it.
Zenande:  We are also getting more siblings.
Anelisa:  What do you mean. ( Khanyi looks at me and I nod)
Khanyi:  I’m pregnant
Anelisa:   wow! Congratulations.  She said siblings are you having twins?
Sibahle:  More like Quinstuplets ( the shock on her face is priceless, she looks at me in disbelief and I just nod to confirm what Sibahle said.)
Anelisa:  Qhawe what did you do?  5 babies at the same the same time. Yhooooo
Khanyi:  I know right.  It’s amazing.
Me:  I didn’t do anything she didn’t want me to do.  Anelisa we have to go. Sizwe said he’ll come by tomorrow.  Take care of yourself.
The said their goodbyes and hugged their mom and we left.


I don’t know how I’m going to get myself out of this situation.  I think I’ll have to tell my husband.  This will destroy my marriage.  My son will definitely never want to speak to me again. Wineka is becoming a pain in my ass now, threatening me.  We had this arrangement years ago, what could have happened that made her want to bring up that owed her.  This is a mess.  Now that I think about it, it was very stupid of me to make that kind of a deal with this woman.  What am I suppose to tell my husband and my son, this will definitely destroy my family and I can’t let that happen.  When I think about it, I even had the nerve to judge Khanyi and the only thing the woman has done is love my son and grandchildren in a way they’ve never been loved. 
All my life I’ve dedicated my life to my son and husband.  I’ve always been a housewife which is something I’ve wanted even when I was a little girl and I was lucky enough to meet someone who wanted to have a housewife.  There’s nothing my husband doesn’t do for me.  He paid for my studies when I was still in varsity. He always said to me, “ It’s all good to be a housewife and be taken care of but I must have something to fall back on should things go side ways”, but they never did.  Even now, in as much as I know that my husband won’t divorce me but he will be disappointed, very disappointed and I know he won’t talk to me for a while.  I need to fix this and hopefully I can fix it without having to tell them.  Maybe I should speak to Khanyi and see if her guys can’t help and I’m sure Sindy is still in Durban and I’m sure she is not aware of what her mother is doing to her which I found out today.  Wineka is very cruel how can she do that to her own child.  My phone rings.
Me:  What do you want?
Wineka:  You need to go back to Durban, my daughter can’t do this alone.
Me:  I told your daughter I wouldn’t help her.  Wineka I’m not losing my family over this. I am going to tell Loyiso everything.
Wineka:  You can’t do that and you know it.  they will disown you.
Me:  even if they do, at least I’ll be free of you and your daughter needs to know what you are doing to her.
Wineka:  You are not going to tell my daughter anything.
Me:  If I lose my family, then you lose your daughter.  There is so much that you don’t know about her.  I took some time and investigated her a bit which is why I decided against helping her get Qhawe because I realised your daughter doesn’t love my son, she never did.  You are manipulating her to think she does.  Your daughter has someone who cares a lot about her but because of you she can’t see that and this man is the one that is going to tell Sindy about you not me.  if you keep pushing your daughter towards Qhawe, you will lose her.
Wineka:  Is that a threat Siyanda?
Me:  it’s not a threat, it is a fact my dear.  Think about it.  Bare in mind that Sindiswa is not the first woman to go after Qhawe and Anelisa ended up being in jail for a very long time because she tried to kill Khanyi.
Wineka:  that will not happen to my daughter.
Me:  for an old woman you are very naïve Wineka.  You are putting your daughter’s life at risk because of money. 
Look I’m not going to carry on with this conversation, it is obvious you don’t want to listen.
Bye Wineka.  Don’t call me again.

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