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I’m a sitting at Spur at the mall, I’m early way too early  and I am so nervous.  Apparently my father also requested that Sipho join us and that will make things easy for me.  I wonder if we are going to get along, I wonder what’s he like, what kind of relationship would we have had, had we had a chance to have to one.  What kind of relationship are we going to have now.  I know one thing that it won’t be easy and apparently I have two brothers and I’m  the only girl.  I wonder if I’ll get along with all of them, will they like me, I am really nervous and I need to stop over thinking this whole thing.  I should just go with the flow.  Sipho walks in and walks to the table where I am sitting.
Sipho:  You look beautiful (he gives a hug and a kiss)
Me:  You don’t look too bad yourself.
Sipho:  Have been you been here long?
Me:  Not really just thirty minutes.
Sipho:  you must be really nervous.  Just don’t over think the whole situation. (just then I see a man walking over to us and he looks like me.  Oh my God we look so much alike.  He comes and stands next me, I stand as well looking at him and I am almost as tall as him. I guess I take after him, which makes me wonder if it’s the reason why my mother has been treating me like this.  I remind her of something that she lost had she been patient and supported him , she would probably be the one married to my father right now.
Him:  you are so beautiful  and you look so much like me (he hugs me tight and I think he is crying)  I have wanted to do this for so long.  The time I have lost with you.  I should have fought harder, I should have never thought you would safe with her. (he pulls out of the hug with tears in his eyes and kisses both my cheeks and we all sit down.)  How are you doing?
Me:  I’m fine and how are you?
Mncedi:  I’m happy now that I am finally sitting in front of my daughter and talking to her.  You know you are the only daughter I have and you have two younger brothers who can’t wait to meet you.  I didn’t want to overwhelm you today by meeting everyone.  My wife also wants to meet you.  She is so excited that we are finally going to be father and daughter.  I know it is going to take some time but I am willing to build a relationship with you.  I am so sorry that you had to go through everything that you went through with your mother, I’m sorry that I didn’t fight harder for you.  I knew her and I should have known better than to let her keep you but back then I could n’t even afford a lawyer.
Me:  what happened between you and mom?
Mncedi:  when I met your mother, I had a job where I was earning a minum wage.  For a year in our relationship things were fine, we were happy.  I took care of her, did everything for her.  She got pregnant in the second year of our relationship and she starterd changing.  She kept telling me about her friends who get expensive stuff from their man and at that time one of the women had a car which her husband bought for her.  I tried talking to her, to try and make her see reason and it looked like she understood but little did I know that she was cheating on me whilst pregnant with you but to cut the story short.  She left when you about 2 years old she got married to a man that had money, he had his own company, basically the man was a better option for her.  She left me for a guy who had more money than I did and took you away from me saying that she won’t have her child grow up poor like she did.
Me:  wow, this woman loves money. 
Sipho:  there’s omething that you need to know about your mother
Mncedi:  I am not trying to turn you against your mother by telling you all these things, I just want you to be well informed when you make the decisions that you are going to have to make for your life. As we speak your mother has been held hostage in your apartment, she ‘s been there since you left. (he turns to look Sipho)
Sipho:  Sindiswa your mother cheated you out of money that you received from her husband, she had you think that he didn’t  care about you but he did.  The house you stay in back home is legally yours, her husband left it to you.  He also left you a trust fund  which your mom and her husband’s lawyer spent it all, you were still a minorwhen he died, her husband trusted the lawyer to take care of everything until you turned 18 but he did things differently and spent the money with  your mother.
Me:  I really don’t know what to say, I’m trying to get my head around everything you guys are telling.
Mncedi:  at least now you know.  All I want right now, is to try and build a relationship with you  but I won’t put any preasure on you.  I am so sorry.  She did everything in her power to keep me away from you but I never gave up on you.  I knew that one day I will have a chance to be with you agan, even if it’s for two minutes.  I love you Sindiswa very much, that’s why I never gave up on you.  Please my child don’t hold any grudges, open your heart to love again.  Love heals all pain, no matter how bad things are as long as you have love there is hope, there’s still hope for better things.
Me:  I am so glad I finally met you, I feel this heavy weieght has been taken off my shoulders and at least now I know where to start and that would be spending more time with you
Last night turned to be a surprise.  My daughter ha s a boyfriend and he works for us now and he is
Seven years older than the Princess which truly scares me because he is has more experienced. I walk into LIna’s room
Me:  may I come in
Lina”:  yes dad you may come in.
Me:  let’s sit, I want us to talk (she comes and sits next to me.)  You are my Princess and that means I will do everything in my to protect you, hence we are here now. He is much older than you and that makes him more experienced than you but I want you to never allow him to put you under preasure about anything.  If you are not ready for anything, he needs to understand and if he doesn’t understand then you walk away.
Lina:  I know dad.  He doesn’t put me under preasure about anything dad.  Instead I learn from him, he has taught me a lot too about life.  I know that you love me and you want to pretect me and I appreciate that.  but dad you need to know that I am growing up. I want to get married one day and have kidsof my own.  Even if that may be so, I will always be your princess no matter what.
Me:  Do you love him?
Lina: yes dad I love him and I know he loves me too.  The way he handled himself with you guys tells me that he loves me.
Me:  don’t get me wrong baby.  I like the guy and I think that he’ll be good for you. He might be anther Lazwi but I think he is perfect for you but that doesn’t mean I won’t break his jaw when he hurts you.  I want you to feel free to talk to me Princess about anything ok.
Lina: yes dad.  If he hurts me than I’ll definitely tell you and you will have my permission to break more than just his jaw.
Me:  He can only come here by invitation or if your mom or me grant you permission to bring him over, just like we do with Khaya and Lungi.  He can never sleepover at this house unless he makes you his wife.  He can never lay a hand on you and if he does you tell me. Lina I may not be your biological father but I love you like you are my own child.  In fact you are my child in everyway and I am glad your father screwed up because it meant that I get to gain a wonderful daughter and wonderful son. I love you Princess.
Lina:  you are my father in every way possible, no one can tell me otherwise.  I loved you the minute you decided that you wanted to be a part of our lives.  I am grateful to have you in my life and I will always cherish the relationship we have and you will always have my respect as my father. I love you too daddy.

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