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BandileSnr:  You and my son seem to be having fun surprising us like this.  Wena Ayanda you still have a lot questions to answer. Qhawe you got married and you didn’t tell us, what the hell man.
Lwazi:  You could have at least told us, we’ve always been there for each other.
Me:  come on guys it’s not like that.  it’s no longer just the three of us now.  If I told you then I would have had to tell everyone else.  We couldn’t choose who to tell hence we didn’t tell anyone.
Lwazi:  fine I get that but still to come and say you are married already, this is a shocker. First it was five babies and now this.  You don’t stop nhe.
Sizwe:  so you guys have been  married months now?
Khanyi:  Yes Sizwe.  I know you are going to say I should have told you but it’s just like Qhawe said, we couldn’t choose who to tell and with everything that has been going on we didn’t want to take the attention  away from the other weddings that were happening.  When Bandile and Luyanda got married, we were married already.
Lina & Khaya:  When exactly?
Me:  We got married December last year before Anelisa gave birth to Olu.
Lwazi:  Yhooo, so long ago.  
Lwanele:  How could you keep this a secrete for so long.  I just think that you should have told us and made us a part of it.
Me:  Princess I understand what you are saying.  With all the plans that were happening we just decided it would best if we do it this way.
Nchesh:  So what you are saying is that we are not going to be bridemaids at your wedding, basically there won’t be a wedding?
Thando:  I’m still on the “we are married” part.  Not even engaged but married. 
Khanyi:  No there won’t be a wedding.  We just didn’t want to take the spotlight away from you guys.
Lwazi:  Why is Luyanda so quiet.  (he turns and looks at Luyanda who didn’t seem schocked by all this)
Luyanda:  I knew…
Bandile:  YOU WHAT???
Sizwe:  why does he get to know and we don’t
Andile:  it’s a pity Eddie is not here, he is going to kill you when he finds out.
Lwazi:  Luyanda is the lawyer, he had to know right?  Maybe I should change careers and be a lawyer so that I don’t get to be kept out of things that are happening in this family.
Me:  Lwazi can you not be so dramatic
Lwazi:  can you blame me? (I choose not to answer that.)
Sibahle:  Dad since you kept such a big secret from us, you won’t get to grill Ayanda.
Me:  Keep dreaming sweetheart.  He is going to be grilled just like every guy that comes along to date you girls.
Sibahle:  but dad….
Lina:  let it go Sibahle, it is going to happen no matter what you say.  Besides my husband cannot be the only one that gets to be in the Lion’s den.
Me:  don't even think for a second that Ayanda is off the hook not even his father can speak for him.
Bandile:  I have no intentions of doing that.  He has a lot of questions to answer.

Zenande:  Considering that I am fourteen years old let me see if I get this.  So you guys are now husband and wife right
ME:  Yes baby
Zenande:  Mom said something about you adopting her babies. I thought the babies were yours.
Me:  Not those babies.  She meant Khaya, LIna, Lonwabo, Ntando and Lwanele.
Zenande:  I thought they were already yours
Me:  Yes they are but now we want to make it legal.  I want them to be legally mine and I would like for you guys to share the same surname but they have to agree to it. (she turns and looks at all her siblings)
Zenande:  they will do it without a doubt.
Me:  I hear you baby but we still have to talk about it.
Ntando:  I assume that you spoke to Banzi about this, what did he say?
Me:  He agreed.  He didn’t give up his parental rights.  He did agree to the adoption.
Lonwabo:  did he say why he is not giving up his parental rights?
Khanyi:  He is hoping that things will change between you guys.
Lonwabo:  I see. 
Banele:  guys I can’t believe you are married.  Dad we told you that you were going to marry her and you didn’t believe us.  Look at you now.
Bandile:  they don’t get tired of shocking us.
Mcebisi:  You know this was fun, the food was nice and I was to go for a second helping of desert but the parents zize nge vur vai, my head is speaning (everyone just broke into laughter.  He's been silent the whole time and when he speaks that's what he says.)
Lwazi:  bayadelela nje aba.
Khanyi's mom:  yeyi nina leave my kids alone.  They did what they did because they didn't want to take the attention from your events.  You all know that had they told you; you would have wanted to focus on them and give them all the attention.  Just let them be.  You should be happy.
Sibahle: don't get us wrong granny we are happy, we are just in shock that's all.  Some of us have hardly said anything and it's something that we would have loved to be part of.
Khanyi's mom:  you are a part of it. You are here tonight to celebrate their love.
Khanyi:  thanks mama.
Khanyi's mom:  I have your back baby.
Loyiso: khayi's mom is right just let them be.  My son wanted to give his wife the best wedding ever but they decided otherwise.  It's been busy with all the wedding plans that have happening and they wanted to be married before the little Boovs were born.
Me:  really guys, tonight we are here to celebrate hence you are all dressed up.
Mr Mkhize:  I would like to say something.  (Everyone turns to look at him giving him the attention)
Correct me if I am wrong, it looks like Qhawe is the Alpha in this family and as an Alpha he did what he thought was best which indeed was.  I see nothing wrong with what they did.  You guys have built something beautiful for yourselves.  I have never seen anything like this and I am glad my son is a part of it.  Don't fault the couple for how they did things.   Share in their joy.
Lwazi:  we hear you tata but these two need know that as much as we are happy for them, they need to make it up to us. They are giving us headaches with their behavior.
Mr Mkhize:  this one is just like Mcebisi.
Me:  you would swear they are brothers the way they are.
Thando:  congratulations guys.  You desrve this and I pray that your love grows stronger everyday.  (She walks up to us and hugs us.  Everyone follows suite congratulating us except for Lwazi , Lwanele and Lisakhanya.  I swear these three have more drama than the whole family combined.)
Lwazi:  don't look at us like that.  You made miss seeing you exchange your vows
Lisakhanya: we missed being flower girls
Lwanele:  I'm just mad you didn't tell us.
Me:  come on guys. We knew you were going to angry with but went ahead and got married hoping that you would be happy for us.  I'm already making it up to you guys with the trip to Zambia.
Lwazi: there's a watch I've been meaning to buy for myself…
Me:  Fine I'll buy it for you if it means you will stop sulking.
Lwazi:  congratulations man.  It's about time you put a ring on it. (He smiles and hugs and the girls join in.  I swear Lwazi is going to be the death of me.)
The grand parents have gone to sleep.  We decided to carry on with the night, we have now changed into our casual clothes and we are having a braai.  The kids are sitting by the pool.  The ladies are busy with light snacks to go with the meat.
Bandile:  why her?
Ayanda:  she is special, she touches my heart in a way that no woman has.  Dad I know she is the one that I have been waiting for.  I want to take my time and get to know her.  I want her to get to know me.  Her smile makes weak, her tears break me, he laughter brings joy to my heart. 
Me:  How long has this been going on?
Ayanda:  it’s been a few months now.
Me:  I don’t care if you are Bandile’s son, if she ever comes home crying because of you, I’ll kill you and bury you in a shallow grave.  Do you understand me
Ayanda:  I understand.
Mcebisi:  You are just like my father in law.  You and him same bag of maize meal.  We’ve been getting close, getting to know you and you keep such a big secret from us.
Bandile Jnr:  he really can keep secret, there was not even a sign that he is dating her.  he came over a few times with her here but they acted like nothing was happening.
Mcebisi:  they are good actors.  They should be awarded an Oscar.
Lwazi:  they definitely do deserve an Oscar
Bandile:  You know that we can put a stop to this right.  Ayanda I’ve been friends with her father for a very long time.  We’ve become brothers and I’ve become her uncle.  We’ve become family. 
Ayanda:  I understand all of that dad but this was not planned.  It just happened dad.
Me:  we understand that and we also understand that you guys didn’t spend much time together growing up and we understand that it is something beyond your control.  I am not going to say don’t date.  If your relationship is meant to be then it will happen, if not, then it won’t happen.  I don’t want you messing with my daughter, I don’t want her to be your fling, she is probably not like any of the gilrs you’ve dated.
Sipho:  this family has so much drama.
Lwazi:  You can say that again.  Qhawe didn’t even give us a hint about him getting married. People really know how to keep secrets in this family.  Ayanda you know us, you know how we are with the girls in this family so you know that if you make one wrong move we will be on your case. 
Bandile:  she has school and she lives with her parents , you have to respect that.
Me:  You will come over to my  house by invitation and when you pick her up for a date or whatever provided she has permission to go out which won’t happen very often.
Ayanda:  I understand.
Me:  good then.
Mcebisi:  let me give you a piece of advise since I have experience dating one of his daughters and even married her.  Whatever you do, always remember that these girls talk to him about everything.
Khaya:  even my wife. I make one wrong move she is going to come running to him and on top of that my father in law is a lawyer.  I’ll leave that to your imagination.
Mcebisi:  Wena Khaya you are screwed more than I am.  You could end up in jail easily, even looking at her in a way she doesn’t like, the father would throw you in jail for a week.
Luyanda:  why are you talking about me like I am not here?  Besides it is our job to protect our daughters.  You will understand one day when you have your own.
Me:  and that’s only when you are married Ayanda. 
Ayanda:  I got it.
Mcebisi:  don’t worry man.  He’ll come around eventually.  At the end of the day he wants his daughters to be happy,if you can manage that then you are in.  Look at me (he smiles and winks at Ayanda.)
Lwazi:  I need something to eat.
Mcebisi:  I’m in the same boat as you.  Let’s see what’s happening in the kitchen.
Andile:  bring the meat, the fire is ready.  Ayanda I’m not going to say much, all I am going to say is for you to treat her like the Princess that she is. 

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