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Character: Oikawa Tooru
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Please go out with me

(M/n pov)

I was walking down the school's corridor on my way to the vending machine outside since I woke up late and wasn't able to eat breakfast. I rub my eyes from how exhausted I was, I ended up falling asleep in my last class and got abruptly woken up by the teacher. Finally approaching the vending machine I buy (f/s) and (f/d). After grabbing the food I went ahead and sat down at a nearby bench.

Just as I was about to take another bite of my snack I heard the screams of Oikawa Tooru's fangirls. Rolling my eyes I decided that I wanted to see what this guy was all about. I heard he was the most handsome alpha but I doubt it, being what most would call a dominant alpha, I want to see just how tough and handsome he is.

Standing up I follow the sound of the squeals, as I got closer I noticed how some girls would turn towards me and gasp before turning towards their friends and pointing at me. It wasn't long before all of their attention was on me but honestly, I could care less. Finally approaching where Oikawa Tooru stood along with my good friend Iwaizumi Hajime I couldn't help but smirk.

"(M/n)?" I heard Iwaizumi say, I looked over at him and smirked a bit making him blush a bit and look away. "What's up Iwaizumi?" I say to which he just shrugged and before he could say anything Oikawa spoke up, "Iwa-chan, who is this?" I smirked and leaned down to meet his eyes. He looked surprised which in turn made my smirk bigger, I looked him up and down while licking my bottom lip which in turn showed off one of my many piercings.

He blushed bright red and released a few of his pheromones. I leaned close to his ear before whispering, "So much for being an alpha" his eyes go wide as I back away from him before stuffing my hands in my pockets showing off my tattoo sleeve. I began to walk away and just before I was out of his sight I spoke up over my shoulder, "I'll see you around, cutie"

*time skip*

It's been a couple of weeks since I spoke to the cute omega and I've noticed that someone has been leaving my favorite snacks, drinks, and food on my desk. I was currently on my way to my locker since the school day was finally over. Opening the locker door I watched as a pink envelope fell out of it. Picking it up I rolled my eyes before making my way to throw it away but my curiosity got the better of me and I felt like maybe I should open the envelope.

Opening it and reading it I saw that it didn't have much except for a bunch of hearts and the words 'Please meet me behind the school'. I decided to see who left this envelope. Grabbing my backpack I made my way to the back of the school. Once I made it I took into notice how no one was there. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and waited a bit thinking that they were late because they got nervous.

I waited about five minutes before I got tired of waiting and just wanted to go home. With a sigh, I went ahead and began to leave only to hear rushed footsteps coming towards my direction. Turning around in the direction of where the footsteps were coming from I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as Oikawa was running towards me with a single flower in his hand.

Once he was in front of me he tried to catch his breath before he bowed and spoke up, "I'm sorry I got here late. I didn't know which flower to get you" "It's fine, I'm guessing you were the person who left the envelope in my locker and left all of those snacks on my desk" he stood up before nodding his head with a blush on his cheeks. I nod my head in understanding before smirking, "Does mister popular have a crush on me?" I asked in a teasing tone.

He pouted and looked away making my smirk get wider. "Come one cutie don't get all shy now" he blushed redder before holding the flower to me and looking down at the ground before yelling out, "Please go out with me" I gently grabbed his chin before making him look up at me. "I'll pick you up at 8 on Saturday, cutie" I grabbed the flower before walking away leaving him behind with a red face and a big smile on his face.

*time skip*

(Third pov)

After their first date and got to know each other they couldn't help but notice how they were meant for each other. They went on multiple dates and after the sixth date (M/n) asked Oikawa out to which he happily said yes. And that was the start of a very odd relationship.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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