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Character: Sugawara Koushi
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: My klutz
Request: IzukuMidoriya_561
The reader is hella clumsy

(M/n pov)

I was making my way up toward the third years' hallway looking for my boyfriend Sugawara. As soon as I saw him I ran towards him but since I was such a klutz I ended up tripping and falling in front of him and his friends. The people around us snickered and whispered mean things.

Sugawara grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a bathroom. Once we got in there he turned towards me. "Listen sugar, I love you with all my heart but I'm going to need you to stop visiting me. I'm sorry but you being such a klutz is causing people to talk about me and make me feel embarrassed. So do me a favor and let's just see each other after school." I looked at him with wide eyes. "You understand right, sugar?" I stared at him trying to see if he'll tell me if this was a joke.

When he didn't say anything I couldn't help but start to tear up. Wiping my tears away with my school shirt I spoke up, "Mhm sure, I understand." "See I knew you'd understand, I'll see you at practice" With that, he walked out of the bathroom. I stood there in the bathroom alone and wondering if I am such an embarrassment.

*time skip*

It was now after school and I made my way to Takeda-sensei to speak to him. Once I saw him I asked if we could talk which he agreed to, "Um I'm not feeling particularly well, could you inform the coach that I won't be showing up for practice." He looked at me before nodding his head and telling me that I was alright to go and that he'll inform the coach.

With that, I made my way home. Once there I couldn't help but quickly go to my room and lay on my bed and begin to cry as I started to overthink my situation with Sugawara.

(Sugawara pov)

It was practice time and we were all changing when Noya spoke up, "Hey, does anyone know where (M/n) is?" Everyone was quick to turn to me and I just tilted my head in confusion. "I don't know where he is" I replied.

We walked out of the changing room to see Takeda-sensei talking to coach Ukai. We watched as they finished their conversation before coach Ukai turned towards us and spoke, "(M/n) won't be coming to practice, he said he wasn't feeling well so he went home." My eyes widen when I realized that when I last saw him he looked fine, so I couldn't help but feel confused about how someone got sick in less than two hours.

Takeda-sensei spoke up as well, "I'm not trying to assume anything but when (M/n) look sad and upset when he was talking to me like he looked like he was on the verge of tears." Everyone looked extremely worried but I was even more worried than them.

I ran towards the changing room and grabbed my stuff and began running out of the gym shouting apologize to everyone. 'Shit shit shit' was the only thing going through my head. Once I made it to (M/n) house I unlocked the door with the extra key he gave me. Dropping all of my belongings and taking off my shoes, I rush towards (M/n) room and the site I saw broke my heart.

(M/n) was laying on his bed with his face in his pillow trying to muffle the sound of his cries. I quickly walked toward him and gently set my hand on his shoulder. He flinched away and looked at me. We stare at each other before he looked away whimpering slightly.

"Sugar, listen to me. I'm sorry for what I said. You're not an embarrassment. You have every right to be upset with me. I was stupid to say that to you. I love you so so much. You are the love of my life and honestly darling I should be the one who should be feeling embarrassed for the way I dared to say that you shouldn't meet me because people were talking about me."

(M/n) looked at me before sniffling. "Please don't ever say that again. It hurt so much to think that I was an embarrassment to you because of my clumsiness"

"No no darling, you're not an embarrassment, and honestly love your clumsiness is what made me fall in love with you" I leaned down and pecked his forehead.

"I love you, my klutz"

"I love you too, Ko"

Okay, the last one for today. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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