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Character: Tadashi Yamaguchi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Freckle Baby
Request: N/a

(Third pov)

Everyone kept their eye on Daichi. He seemed calmer and was smiling and kept looking at the door as of waiting for someone to come through the door. Suga slaps Daichi's back, "what's going on?" Daichi smiles brighter and says "Someone who I haven't seen a while is coming to visit me." Suga wiggles his eyebrows in a suggestive way.

Daichi face changes to disgust, "Suga whatever is going through your head stop it right now. I would never ever EVER date the person that's coming to visit me, again this is my little bro-"

"Onii-chan?" Everyone turned their heads toward the voice. There stood a male with (h/l) (h/c) and beautiful (e/c) eyes.

(Tadashi pov)

I watch the gorgeous male walk in and towards the captain. They smile at each other. Daichi turns toward us, "Team come meet my little brother." We walk over and stand in a half circle, "(M/n) meet the team, team meet (M/n)" Daichi point at each of us and tells his brother our names. Once Daichi got to me my face went red from seeing how the boys eyes sparkles. "And that's Yamaguchi" He smiles even brighter and he seems to be vibrating in happiness, without even looking at Daichi he says "onii-chan" in a sweet voice.

Daichi seemed to flinch at the tone of that voice, he sighed, "Which one?" (M/n) pointed at me, which made me blush though I tilt my head in confusion as Daichi nods his head. (M/n) smiles and runs over to me. He gently grabs my face, he squeezed my cheeks together. His eyes sparkle, "You're very pretty, you're a tall freckle baby" I could practically feel the blush down my neck. I feel a pat on my back and I see Daichi with a pity look on his face, "Just so you know once (M/n) finds something or someone he considers pretty he doesn't let them go"

(Third pov)

And that was true in the end. Somehow the second year (M/n) and the first year Yamaguchi ended up together. They graduated college together and bought their first house together and currently (M/n) is pregnant with their first child.

Right now (M/n) was on the couch rubbing his belly while humming a small tune. Suddenly arms wrapped around him and a kiss was given to his temple. "Mornin' darlin" (M/n) smiled at Tadashi. Tadashi gently rubbed (M/n) belly.

"Tada do you think the baby will have freckles like you?" (M/n) asked.

Tadashi cleared his throat, "I hope not, I don't want them to get called ugly or even get bullied" Tadashi hears a small gasp and turns to look at (M/n), only to see him with tears in his eyes. (M/n) grabs Tadashi face and gently pecks his forehead, nose, both cheeks and lastly his lips. "Never say that again baby. You're so pretty. Everything about you is perfect. So never assume other wise"

Tadashi smiles and pecks his lips "I love you darling and thank you"

"I love you too my freckle baby"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I swear Yamaguchi needs some more love so here it is. Muah I love you my sweet potatoes. As you may have seen in my introduction page I have a list of characters please do try and request from those characters.

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