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Character: Atsumu Miya
Type: Lemon 🍋
Story Name: Flirt
Request: bokuto_senpaii
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(Atsumu pov)

I was waiting for my best friend to show up to my practice like he had said he was going to. We haven't seen each other in years and we kept being friends even though the distance was crazy and we could only call on some nights. I still remember what he looked like before he left like it was yesterday. Beautiful (e/c), cute chubby face, shy, and the thing I used to tease him about the most his height back before he left he was way shorter than me. It seemed as if he was never going to grow.

Humming happily to myself, I didn't notice the weird looks my team was giving me. Osamu looks over at me and spoke up "What's got you in such a good mood? It's annoying so stop it" I roll my eyes at him and speak up with the biggest smile on my face, "My best friend is coming to visit me. And I'm happy because I can't wait to cuddle his small and adorable self." Just before I could say anything the gym door slammed open effectively showing off a tall, handsome male with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair.

"I really want to know who the fuck you're calling adorable 'Sumu" my eyes widen at the deep voice and the nickname because I immediately recognized it. "(M/N)!!" I exclaim, he chuckled "The one and only baby" I blush fifty shades of gray. I couldn't move as he made his way towards me. "If it's alright with everyone, I'm going to borrow him" before anyone could tell him no he threw over his shoulder and walked out of the gym.

He put me down once we were away from prying eyes. "Damn Atsumu didn't expect you to look so good" he stated. I looked at him shock no words coming out of my mouth. He smirks and leans towards my ear and whispers, "Well well well didn't expect the shy boy you used to know to act so differently, hmm?" He licked the shell of my ear making me flinch.

He grabs my chin and pecks my lips, I gasp and whisper out "Do it again" he smirks and kisses me again. He pushed me against the wall and immediately puts his hand on my ass. I moan at the feeling.

He pulls away, "You should take care of your problem before going back to practice baby boy. I'll be waiting for you at my apartment" with that he left me there with a massive boner and a red face.

'Fucking flirt leaving me with a visible boner' is my only thought.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I did what I could with him. You know Atsumu got it good by (M/n) hehe

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