C.S~ Yamaguchi

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Character: Yamaguchi Tadashi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Seriously thank you
Request: WeebWeirdo021

(M/n pov)

Beep beep bee-

I slammed my hand on my alarm clock to turn it off. I stretched and groan a bit. I feel something shuffle beside me which made me freeze. I turn my head a bit and see my beautiful lover peacefully sleeping. I slowly and quietly crawl out of bed before making my way to the bathroom.

After showering and getting dressed, I made my way towards the kitchen. Quickly going ahead and making breakfast for Tadashi and myself. I set his breakfast inside of the microwave before leaving the house. I couldn't help but feel giddy since I was finally able to get the gift that Tadashi wanted for Christmas.

I knew I had to hurry up because Tadashi gets sad when I leave the house without saying anything to him. And when he doesn't feel my 'warm body' he wakes up. I was practically zooming at a responsible speed to make it towards the place where I would pick up the gift.

I couldn't wait to surprise him.

(Yamaguchi pov)

I felt the sunshine in my face which made me wake up. I began to feel around for (M/n) and to my shock he wasn't in bed with me. I raised my head and began looking around the bedroom to see if he was still here, I pouted when I saw he wasn't in the room and got up. The shirt that I was wearing, which happened to be (M/n)'s slipped off my shoulder.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before going downstairs. As I looked around the living room, I pouted a bit more before going into the kitchen. I didn't see him there either but I did see dishes in the sink meaning he had made breakfast for me. Walking towards the microwave I grabbed breakfast and made my way towards the living room to eat it and watch TV.

After finishing my breakfast and halfway through my second Christmas movie, I ended up falling asleep.

(M/n pov)

I was on my way home after picking up the gift and I couldn't help but feel super excited. Once I got to the house I made my way towards the door gift in hand. I took a breath in before making my way towards the inside of the house. After closing the house door I was surprised to see Tadashi sleeping on the couch.

I quietly walked towards him and put the gift in his face. The puppy began to lick his nose softly which ended with Tadashi waking up. He looked up at me and then at the puppy with wide eyes, "Surprise". I set the puppy down on his chest before sitting down next to him.

He began to tear up before gently petting the dog. "Thank you so so much, I love her so much. What's her name?" I smiled at him before wiping his tears away, "Her name is waffles." He looked at me before giggling making me laugh too.

He fixed himself so that his back was laying on my chest and was facing the TV. The puppy was laying on his lap. I began playing with his hair before kissing his temple. "I love you darling"

He looked up at me and smiled, "I love you too, and seriously thank you for the best gift ever." "No problem, honey"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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