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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Cute

(M/n pov)

I let out a groan as I stretched out after having sat down in my office chair for the last couple of hours. I am the CEO of [Random] company and I've been stacked up with a bunch of work recently. I felt horrible about it since that meant that I had to leave my beautiful lover and husband at home all by himself. Thanks to him I became a father, well more like I'm on the road to become a father. He told me he was pregnant about three months ago and I remember that being the best day of my life.

I looked around my office before looking down at my desk and realized that I had finished all my work without taking any breaks. I smiled a bit since I meant that I could go home early. Grabbing my briefcase I went ahead and made my way down to the garage before I got to the car my phone rang which sort of startled me since I was so into my thoughts. Taking my phone out I look at the color only to see that it was Tsukishima. I answered that call and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello my love"

"Hi (M/n)"

"Is there anything you need my love? You rarely call me"

"Um, w-well I was wondering if you could bring me and the baby some strawberry shortcake. We want some"

I chuckled a bit knowing that he was blushing bright red while asking me this but I went ahead and replied to him, "Of course my love. Do you want anything else"

"No," I told him okay and that I loved him before hanging up and going ahead and getting into my car. I went ahead a drove to one of Tsukishima favorite bakeries. I got down and bought the cake before beginning to drive home once again. Once I got home and got through the front door I was hoping for a hug and a kiss from my husband but instead I got my husband waddling towards me, grabbing the cake box before waddling off once again towards the kitchen.

I pouted a bit before taking off my coat and my work shoes. I set down my briefcase and went towards the kitchen. As soon as I walked through the kitchen door I couldn't help but cover my mouth to try to hold in my laughter. There sat Tsukishima on one of the bar stool cake all over his mouth and a small pout on his face. "What's wrong love bug?" He looked up at me with tears in his eyes before whispering, "The cake is all gone"

I stared at him before sighing a bit. I walked over to the paper towel stand before grabbing some. Walking back over to Tsukishima I wiped his face. "I'll get you a whole cake tomorrow, okay my love?" He looked up at me with a big pout on his lips before speaking, "Promise?" I nodded my head and pecked his lips. He smiled before nuzzling his face onto my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of his head one thought going through my head, 'He's so freaking cute'.

We spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching his favorite movies to take his mind of the cake.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. School started up again for me and I already want to break my laptop.

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