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Character: Sugawara Koushi
Type: Slight Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: You're stronger than your demons
⚠️Self Harm⚠️

(M/n pov)

I sniffed a bit as I wrapped my left arm in bandages. It was honestly getting hard and all the bullying and homophobic comments were getting to me. I know that I have nothing to worry about when I have Sugawara by my side but I can't help but feel like maybe I am holding him back. There are times where I can tell that me being around him makes the other people in his class except his teammates uncomfortable. I had to skip school today because I didn't feel like seeing anyone and I felt sick so I stayed home. I stood up from my place on the floor of my bathroom before walking into my room. As soon as I walked in I laid on the bed and curled into a ball. My eyes teared up as I looked at the picture that I had of Sugawara and me on top of my side table.

I extend my hand towards it before grabbing it and hugging it into my chest. I began softly crying while holding onto the photo as if I was the last thing on the planet. What I didn't know was that at that exact moment Sugawara had left practice early to come to see me because he was worried about me.

(Sugawara pov)

I was so worried about my lover that I had to leave practice early. Thank god that Daichi understood my situation and let me go early. Stopping at the store I bought some of his favorite snacks as well as a heated blanket. After buying everything I quickly begin my walk towards his house knowing that I want to be there by his side if anything is going on with him. Arriving at his door I knocked on it but when I didn't hear any signs of it being opened I took out the spare key that was given to me by his mom and unlocked the door myself. I stepped inside the house and took off my shoes before making my way towards my lover's room after having closed the front door. As I got closer to the door I could hear the faint sound of my sobbing lover. I could feel my heartbreak with every single sniff and whimper that came out of him.

To make sure that it was okay that I came inside, I knocked on the door a bit before opening it. The sight that I saw almost broke me down to tears. My lover curled into a small ball while holding a picture frame onto his chest and crying his beautiful eyes out. I walked inside and I put everything down before walking over to him and gently pulling him into my arms. "Baby it's okay there's no need to cry I'm here. I'm always here for you" he continued to sob as I played with his hair to try and calm him down. After a bit, he's crying silenced to just sniffs and tiny whimpers that came out every once in a while. "Baby, can you talk to me? Can you tell me what's got you so worked up to the point where you're crying your eyes out and physically hurting yourself?"

He paused for a second before speaking up, " I feel like I don't deserve to be your boyfriend. I've been getting bullied relentlessly and people love to throw around homophobic comments since were dating and we came out to the entire school. I didn't know how to tell you this but I could tell that the kids in your class wrong uncomfortable with coming to see you and they will always give me dirty stairs whenever I arrive to come to see you and I guess I just felt like maybe I was holding you back from being at your full potential and I guess-" I cut off his rant by gently placing a peck on his lips.

I pulled away before gently caressing his face with my thumb, "Listen, baby, you mean the absolute world to me. You aren't getting in the way of anything, okay? Having you around makes me the happiest man in the universe. Losing you means losing my other half, my soulmate. I know you, darling, you're stronger than your demons. Now the next time you get bullied you look them straight in the face and flip them off and come look for me I'll deal with them." I pressed my forehead against him before whispering, "I love you so much and no one's opinions matter to me and they shouldn't matter to you, okay my prince?"  He nodded a bit before closing his eyes. And just like that, he fell asleep, 'I guess he was extremely exhausted' I gently played with his hair before I fell asleep as well.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. 

Next up:
Koganegawa Kanji (Omegaverse)

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