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Character: Lev Haiba
Type: Slight Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: It doesn't matter

(Lev pov)

I was playing around with the volleyball throwing it up against the wall and then attempting to receive it when I thought the kick to my rib. I groaned loudly as I fell to the ground with the thud. I looked up at the person who kicked me and I wasn't very surprised when I saw it was Yaku-san standing above me with an angry look on his face. "Stop fooling around we have a practice match with Karasuno soon and we have to make sure we beat them again" I nodded my head before I stood up and followed him to get in line with the rest of the team. The coach told us what we needed to work on and then we got to work improving ourselves.

Suddenly I felt a slap on my back turning over to the person I saw Yamamoto. "Hey Lev, the guys and I were talking about what our soulmate will say the first time we meet them and we all got curious about what yours says since whenever we try and look at your wrist there doesn't seem to be any words on it" I flinched a bit at the last bit of his statement and nervously chuckled while looking up the rest of the guys, "Well you see I don't have any words on my wrist". All eyes are on me almost as if I was some big shot that they couldn't take their eyes off. "Are you serious?" Asked Yamamoto to which I nodded my head.

"Damn you might not even have a soulmate," Kuroo said making me look down at the ground. "Maybe," I said softly. "Hey that means no one will have to deal with your annoying ass or you won't have to deal with someone annoying," Yaku-San said making me look at him. Everyone chuckled awkwardly as if trying to clear the awkward mood up. I glared at Yaku-san before grabbing my stuff and leaving. I heard them calling after me but I completely ignored them.

The next week and a half I spent it going to school and going to practice without speaking to any of my teammates. It was finally the day of the practice match between Karasuno. I groaned a bit as I stretched my sore body. I heard the gym door open followed by a bunch of footsteps and commotion. Looking over I looked at both teams mingling. While looking at everyone in the Karasuno team my eyes caught sight of the most gorgeous male in the world. I stood up from my spot on the floor before walking over to Hinata, "Hey shrimpy" "Oh hi Lev" I looked down at him before looking over at the guy again. "Hey who's the new guy?"

"Oh you must be talking about (M/n)-senpai, hold on wait here" with that he ran over to the guy making me freak out internally. Not even ten seconds later he was pulling the guy by the wrist towards my direction. I stiffed up as I saw him up close, "(M/n)-senpai this is Lev. Lev this is (M/n) and um he's mute." I nodded my head before smiling down at him. "Hi, I would like to say you are very handsome. Like very very handsome." He stared at me before he raised his hand in my direction. And that's when I saw the words on his wrist. He pulled out his phone before he typed something on it. I waited a bit for him to finish, once he was done he handed me his phone and tapped it silently telling me to read it.

*Um hi, I'm (L/n) (M/n) and I'm a selective mute. I'm also very sorry that you had to end up with someone like me as a soulmate. You probably got made fun of because there are no words on your wrist*

I thought back to what Yaku-san said before I shook my head and spoke up, "It doesn't matter to me that you're a selective mute. I'm super happy that I have a soulmate. And it doesn't matter to me if people make fun of me because at the end of the day I still good a gorgeous soulmate" he stared at me before his eyes began to tear up. I panicked a bit but then he hugged me tightly. I stood stiff for a second before I chuckled a bit and hugged him back. "No need to cry cutie" he stared up at me with a big pout on his face making me laugh.

'Yeah I can already tell I have an amazing soulmate'

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Iwaizumi Hajime(Omegaverse)

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