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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I apologize for them
*Time skip spoilers*

(Iwaizumi pov)

Shittykawa: Heyyyy Iwa-chan I'm back in town. Wanna go eat? I'll pay

Iwa-chan: I guess I'll go since you're paying. Is anyone else going?

Shittykawa: Ah most of the team is coming. Anyway, here's the address, [Random address]. See you soon Iwa-chan

Iwa-chan: Yeah yeah shittykawa.  See you soon I guess

I clicked on the address and rolled my eyes when I saw it was a fancy restaurant. I sighed before I stood up from my couch and went to shower. As I bathed I mentally prepared myself to see Oikawa and the rest of my old team because I know them all to ask about whether or not I've finally found a lover. It wasn't long after I left high school that I figured out I wasn't into women but it seems that every time I go on a date with a guy they aren't the same person they claimed to be. Once I finished taking a shower, I slipped on some boxers before walking towards my closet. I looked around all of my clothes before choosing an old suit.

I sprayed some cologne on myself before grabbing my wallet, phones, and keys

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I sprayed some cologne on myself before grabbing my wallet, phones, and keys. I walked out of my house and locked the front door before beginning the drive towards the restaurant. It wasn't long till I arrived and saw the rest of the guys standing around clearly waiting for me. I parked my car and got down, "Hey guys" I said immediately, catching their attention. They all began to wolf whistle and patting my back, "Damn Iwaizumi looking good" exclaimed Mattsun. I rolled my eyes and glared at them, "Let's just hurry up and go inside. I'm pretty sure shittykawa is waiting for us" we walked in and Mattsun told them the name for the reservation and they immediately took us to a VIP room.

Going inside we saw Oikawa smirking at us while holding a cup of champagne, "Hey guys long time no see." We all stared at him in disgust before we took a seat and began scanning the menu. Oikawa pouted, "You guys are so mean to me. Anyway, the waitress should be coming soon and I think Iwa-chan might enjoy the eye candy that she is." It wasn't long after there was a knock on the door and it opened up to a short male with [curly, straight, wavy, etc.] (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. After coming in he immediately bowed, "I apologize but the waiter you had before she had an emergency and had to go home." Oikawa pouted a bit but smirked when the boy stood back up, "It's alright cutie."

I could tell the guy wanted to roll his eyes but he simply cleared his throat and then spoke up, "Um okay. My name (M/n) and I'll be your waiter for the rest of the night. Are you guys ready to order yet?" We all nodded our heads before we began ordering one by one. But not without the rest of the guys flirting with the poor waiter. "Alright I'll be back with your food," he said before walking out of the room. "Y'all are so freaking annoying and disrespectful. The poor guy looked so uncomfortable" I stared while glaring at them, they flinched and looked at anything but me.

*time skip*

It was after we had received the food and Oikawa paid and they left. I sighed a bit before walking back inside and walked towards the hostess, "Oh hello sir is there anything I can help you with?" I nodded my head, "Can you please call the waiter named (M/n) to come to see me?" She looked a bit afraid but nodded her head and went to get him. I sat down and it wasn't long till he was staring in front of me, "Um is there anything I can help you with? Was your service not good?" He Asked looking extremely nervous. I scratched the back of my neck before speaking up, "Not everything was amazing. It's just I apologize for them. They went too far with their "flirting" and well I noticed that it made you uncomfortable so I wanted to apologize."

He stared at me for a moment before he pulled out a notepad and wrote something down. He smiled a bit before handing it to me, "What's your name?" I tilted my head in confusion before speaking up, "Iwaizumi Hajime, you?" "(L/n) (M/n). It's nice to meet you, hopefully, I'll be seeing you around." With that, he walked away. I walked out of the restaurant and got in my car before deciding to open the note to see what it said.

'Hey, I think you're really cute and um nice. I never do this but here's my (Phone Number). I'd love to get to know you

Sincerely (M/n)'

And that was the day I met the love of my life.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Asahi Azumane (Mafia AU)

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