C.S~ Aone

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Character: Aone Takanobu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: It's perfect
Request: bobauwu254

(M/n pov)

Aone and I were at the grocery store, shopping for things that we might need in case we got snowed in. I smiled a bit as Aone stared at a child who was far away from us. I sigh before shaking my head and going on ahead to continue getting everything on the list.

After I finished getting everything on the list I went looking for Aone, which wasn't that hard since he was so tall. Walking over to him I couldn't help but giggle a bit when I saw what he was holding. He turned to look at me and held it up silently asking me if we could buy what he was holding.

"You want me to buy the gingerbread making kits?" I asked him. He simply nodded his head with a small pout making me internally squeal at how cute he was acting. I controlled my emotions before nodding my head and telling him to put it in the cart.

After we finished the grocery shopping, Aone was quick to grab all the bags so that I didn't have to carry anything. After he put everything in the car we made our way home.

*time skip*

Once we got home Aone told me to wait in the car. He put all the groceries inside and then stayed there for like four minutes before he came and opened the door for me. After opening it he took off my seat belt before picking me up bridal style.

He brought me towards the bedroom before leaving me to change. I changed my clothes and then I walked towards the door. Only to gasp in shock when I saw Aone standing in front of the door looking down at me, "Nobu what's up?" He gently grabbed my hands.

He pulled me towards the living room before pointing at something on top of the table. I looked down and I giggled a bit as I saw the gingerbread kits sitting on it. "Nobu the groceries need to be put away first." He shook his head and pointed at himself, "You put them away Nobu, is that why it took you so long to come back?" He nodded his head making me smile.

I sighed a bit before sitting down on the floor him following behind. We looked at each other and began building our houses with soft music playing in the background.

*time skip*

Out of nowhere, I hear a small grunt come from Aone. So I looked over at him and spoke up, "What's wrong Nobu?" He pouted and pointed at his house.

I gasped before getting up as fast as I could for being pregnant and all and ran to our son's room

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I gasped before getting up as fast as I could for being pregnant and all and ran to our son's room. I grabbed one of the toys and walked back towards the living room. He kept looking at me with a confused face as he saw the dinosaur in my hand. I smiled and walked over to him before sitting on his lap. He laid his hand on my belly still confused.

I began fixing the house to make it look a but more cohesive before I set the dinosaur down next to it.

I began fixing the house to make it look a but more cohesive before I set the dinosaur down next to it

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He made a noise of approval before I smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder. "What do you think now Nobu?" "It's perfect" he whispered in my ear.

We stayed like that for the rest of the day, cuddling and staying warm.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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