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Character: Goshiki Tsutomu
Type: Slight Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'll always come back
*Mafia AU*
⚠️Mentions of Blood and Cuts⚠️

(Goshiki pov)

I couldn't help but bite my nails in worry as I walked back-and-forth in front of the door. My boyfriend who is the leader of this mafia group went out for a mission earlier today and he had promised me to come back in less than four hours but I have a seen no sign of him and it's been about seven hours. I can't help but worry since he always keeps his promises and being in the mafia is such a dangerous job that I can't help but start to overthink.

' what if he's hurt? What if somebody shot him? Oh my god, what if somebody killed him during the mission' those were the things running through my mind. No one knew that we were dating because that will put me in danger even though I'm part of the group as well but since they don't know we're together they don't care enough to check on me to make sure I'm okay since I look so nervous. It wasn't for another 30 minutes of me standing in front of the two that I finally heard the door unlock. In comes in the entire team that went and my boyfriend who has two people carrying him inside.

I gasp before speaking, "What happened to the boss?" One of the guys looks at me before speaking up, "One of the people we were making a deal with didn't think he was our boss so he tried to take him down and when the boss fought back another member shot a tranquility dart at him. He's okay, he just needs to rest and someone to take care of the cuts before the blood dries and gets infected" I nodded my bead before telling them to bring him to his room and that I'll take care of him since I'm one of the 'nurses'.

Once they put him on his bed they went ahead and got out of the room before I walked towards his bathroom and got the first aid kit. Sitting down next to his sleeping body I grabbed a cotton pad before pouring a bit of rubbing alcohol on it. I began to gently dab the pad on his cuts he ended up flinching a bit every time I touch one. Once I got to the cut on his eyebrow and put a new cotton pad on it I felt my wrist get grabbed making me gasp and look at the eyes of the culprit who grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing blossom?" He asked. I pouted a bit before speaking in a whisper, "Cleaning up your wounds so they don't get infected" he nodded his head before letting go of my wrist and laying back down. I continued to disinfect and bandaged him up in complete silence. Once I finished I set the first aid kit to the side before looking down at my hands and fiddling with my fingers as I felt his piercing stare on the side of my face.

I felt two of his fingers touch my chin before he gently moved my head to where were staring at each other once again. He gave me a soft smile before speaking up, "Thanks for taking care of me blossom" he then proceeded to leave a small kiss on my lips before pulling me into a hug and down to where we were laying down. I laid my head on his chest before I felt him playing with my hair. "Blossom" I hummed a sign that told him he could continue, "I know you have something to say blossom. What is it?"

I moved my head to where I was looking straight at him before my eyes started to tear up a bit. "I was so freaking scared that something might've happened to you. I couldn't help but overthink and I ended up almost drowning myself in worry while waiting for you to come home. I know that this job doesn't always guarantee safety but I would still like you to always come home to me." He wiped away my tears with his thumb before stretching down and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Listen blossom, I know for a fact that this job doesn't always guarantee safely and I can't lie to you I have had some close calls before I even met you but now that you're part of my life and my boyfriend I know I have to come home every night. Trust me to blossom the day you said yes to being my boyfriend I had made a silent promise to you that I'll always come back to cuddle and tell you just how much I love you." I stared at him before leaning up and placing a kiss on his lips, him kissing me back with no hesitation.

"I love you (M/n)"

"And I love you blossom"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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