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Character: Nishinoya Yuu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Finally back
⚠️Season 1 spoiler⚠️

(Third pov)

'Karasuno guardian deity' finally came back from his suspension and the first place he went to was the gym after speaking to the first tears he looked around and noticed that two people were missing. "Where's Asahi and (M/n)? " everyone who knew who Nishinoya was asking about visibly flinched. "Um Asahi isn't playing and (M/n) went missing and hasn't come back to school" "Asahi that punk" they all stared at him in shock.

They all stared at him before the door got slammed open once again and in walked a tall make with a tattoo sleeve, snake bite, an eyebrow piercing, and flowers in his hand. "Damn babe, am I a punk too?" Nishinoya immediately brightened up and ran towards the boy before throwing himself on top of him. "(M/N)!!" Nishinoya yelled with a bright smile on his face.

(M/n) chuckled before pecking Nishinoya's lips before turning towards everyone else, "Hey guys sorry I sorta disappeared I got dragged to (r/c) buy my mother." They all nodded their heads in understanding and watched as (M/n) walked off with Nishinoya still in his arms.

(M/n pov)

I brought Noya towards the park before putting him down on his feet. He looked up at me with a small smile. I smiled back before grabbing his smaller hand in mine. We held hands as we walked down the park. As we walked by a small hill with flowers Nishinoya thought it would be a good idea to push me down. But with my quick reflexes, I grabbed ahold of him before we started to roll down until the bottom. I held him close to my chest to minimize how much he got hurt.

By the end up of it, I ended up with him on top of me with a bright smile on his face and giggling. I looked up at him with a loving smile on my face before putting my left hand on his waist and then putting my right hand on his head before lightly pushing it towards me. I peck his lips making him gasp and back away from me with a big blush on his face. I smiled before pulling him back into another kiss. He wrapped his arms around my neck and we continued to make out.

The kiss was soft and loving. We didn't rush it knowing that we missed each other since we haven't seen each other in a long time. Once we started running out of air we pulled away and put our forehead together before staring into each other's eyes. "I love you Noya. And I'm glad to finally be back with you."

"I love you too (M/n). And I'm glad you're finally back too. You mean a lot to me" I smiled before giving him an Eskimo kiss which made him blush and smile brightly.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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