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Character: Ushijima Wakatoshi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Flowers

(M/n pov)

I hummed a random tune as I had my daughter sitting in front of me as I did here hair. Once I finish doing my daughter's hair she was quick to stand up and twirl showing off her pretty pink dress and newly done hair. "You look beautiful my love. Are you going to go play outside or are you going to stay here with me?" She hummed in thought before answering me, "I wanna stay here with papa and little brother" She said and gently placed her small hand on my belly.

I smiled a bit before inviting her to sit next to me so we could watch her favorite show. While we watch your favorite show she gently rubs my belly while smiling brightly. Just as I was about to ask her something I heard my phone ring making me top my head and confused but quickly grabbing it only to see that the phone caller was my husband. I take the phone before putting it up to my ear worried as hell since Ushijima rarely calls me. He has made it pretty clear over the last 8 years of us being together that he doesn't call and would most likely be contacting me by text.

"Hello?" I asked with slight worry and confusion in my voice. "Ah yes hello this is Tendou, one of Ushijima's old teammates. He has no clue I'm calling you right now since he is busy with work but would you happen to be able to meet us at the park" "Oh of course but is everything okay with him?" I couldn't help but ask. "Yes he's fine don't worry it just he seems to be drowning himself in work and well I feel he needs his lover and child to refuel him." "Ah okay I understand. When should I show up?" He hummed in thought before speaking, "Please meet us at the park around 4:30 since that's when we all take our lunch break and get some fresh air" I agreed we said goodbye and hung up.

I looked over at my daughter Akira before speaking up, "Akira honey let's get ready we are going to see daddy" she smiled brightly before getting up and as she was about to run towards her room she quickly turned towards me with outstretched hands. "Come on papa I'll help you get up since little brother is so heavy" I giggled before letting her 'help' with getting me off the couch. We walked towards her room first to get her ready I was quick to tell her to pick her clothes and she did but I made sure they matched. Once I finish getting her ready We went to head towards my shared room with Ushijima. I got dressed in comfy clothes just before I went to head and got a bag ready for me and my daughter.

I got the car ready and put my daughter on her car seat before buckling her in. I got in the driver's seat and I drove us to the grocery store. Once I made it to the grocery store I ordered online for the groceries to arrive at the car. I got some Hayashi Rice and some flowers so that Ushijima could put them on his desk. Once the groceries had arrived at our car I took them and quickly and safely drove towards the park that Tendou had told me to meet them at. It was around 4:25 when we had arrived, I got down from the car before helping Akira down as well. Grabbing the bento as well as the flower in one hand I grabbed Akira's hand in my other. We made our way towards the picnic tables and saw a bunch of office workers sitting around and talking amongst themselves.

I kept looking around and then I finally saw my husband sitting with what seemed to be a couple of his good friends. I couldn't help but smile and point Over to Ushijima so that Akira could also see where he was seated. As soon as she saw him and we were a bit closer she yelled out in excitement, "DADDY!" Ushijima had turned around just in time to catch Akira. I giggle as I waddled my way over to him as well. He looked at me wide-eyed before standing up holding Akira to his hip he then looked at me confused and gently placed a kiss on my forehead before speaking, "(M/n), what are you doing here?" I smiled a bit before showing off the bento in my hand, "I came to give you a bento full of Hayashi rice and some flowers for your desk per request of one of your colleagues and old teammates"

He looked over at a red-haired male before turning towards me and smiling softly, "Thank you for coming and thank you for the flowers, my love" he whispered before placing a kiss on my lips making Akira squeal and cover her eyes in turn just made everyone. We spent the rest of his lunch with him and getting to know his old teammates before we all went home since he left early to come home with us. We spent that night cuddling and watching movies in our bedroom before we all fell asleep cuddling.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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