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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Slight angst💔, Fluffy☁️
Story Name: I love all the parts of you
*The reader is an Age Regressor*

(M/n pov)

It was Friday night and I was cuddling into my boyfriend's chest as we watched some boring dinosaur documentary. I would much rather be in a onesie, playing with my toys, and watching Disney movies. I internally let out a breath of relief when the documentary ended. Suddenly, Tsukishima turned off the TV and looked me dead in the face completely startling me. "Umm Tsukki is everything okay?" I asked out of confusion when I saw his serious expression. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Listen, I didn't want to be there on to bring this up because in reality it's none of my business since you are your person but we have been dating for two years and I think I deserve some answers." I stared at him as he paused seemingly to collect his thoughts before he let out a small sigh.

"(M/n) be honest with me. Why is it that you miss school every couple of months for three days? And why do you never let me in your room? In the last two years, you have only let me in your room a total of two times and it was extremely quick." I froze my heart almost beating out of my chest. I could feel myself tear up at the thought that Tsukishima wouldn't accept me. I shakily brought my hands together and looked down at my lap before I stuttered out my answer, "W-well um you know that when I w-was younger I went through a lot of things. I um ended up f-finding a way to cope with everything and that was through age r-regression. I miss school because it gets stressful for me. And I never l-let you in my room because I'm scared you'll judge me for the things that are in there."

He stared at me before scoffing and standing up from his spot on the couch, "If I wanted to hear some bullshit excuse I would've asked Hinata why he doesn't pay attention to class. I'm leaving text me when you have an actual answer." I sat on the couch in pure shock as he left my house slamming the front door closed in the process. I snapped out of my daze before I stood up and went to my room and cuddled into my favorite plush before crying my eyes out for the rest of the night.

(Tsukishima pov)

I had just arrived home after being at (M/n)'s house. I walked into my bedroom before deciding to call Yamaguchi and get his opinion on everything.

*Ring, ring, ring*

"Hello, Tsukki?" He asked, confused. "I need to ask you something really quick." There was a moment of silence before he spoke up, "Sure what's up?" I cleared my throat before explaining the whole situation to Yamaguchi. Everything was quiet for minutes before Yamaguchi spoke up once again, "You're a fucking idiot Tsukishima Kei. (M/n) trusted and confide his deepest secret with you and you have the mother fucking audacity to call him a liar straight to his face. The poor boy is probably crying his eyes out right now. Do some mother fucking research before I bury you twelve feet under in a place where you'll never be found." My jaw dropped at everything Yamaguchi said before I had the chance to reply he hung up. I put my phone down before letting out a small sigh. I grabbed my laptop and began doing research.

As I continued doing research I felt even more and more guilty. I rubbed my temples before grabbing my phone and looking at the time which read 6:30 pm. I got up and looked around my room. I caught sight of my hoodie and one of my favorite dinosaur plushies. I grabbed both of them before grabbing my keys and phone and running out of my house and towards his. I arrived at his house and frantically knocked on the door. I stopped knocking when I heard shuffling coming from inside the house. "Yesh?" I heard the sweet but childlike voice of (M/n) say. "It's me Tsukishima," I said hoping he would open the door. I heard him unlock the door before he opened it. I looked at him and my eyes softened at the sight before me. He had tear marks on his cheek, his eyes were red and puffy and he was holding a plush animal. "Hi," I said softly. He looked down at the ground before moving out of the way to let me in.

I walked inside the house before closing the door. I gently pulled him into a hug before burying my face into his hair, "Baby I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you. I swear you can hit me and call me names. I'm a whole idiot for saying something like that to you." He shook his head before gripping onto my shirt. "Ish otay but you huwt big (M/n) feewing" he said while looking up at me. "I'm sorry but I love you so so much. I love all the parts of you, even this one." He stared at me before hugging me. "Otay thank chu" I smiled softly before I pulled away from him and showed him the hoodie and plush, "For me?" He asked, tilting his head. I nodded while blushing a bit. He smiled before pulling me into another hug. I picked him up and brought him to the couch and cuddled him for the rest of the night. "Hey, do you have a caregiver?" I asked softly. He shook his head while playing with the plushies. "Do you want me to be your caregiver? Of course only if you want to." He looked at me once again before smiling brightly and nodding his head rapidly. I smiled a bit and spoke up again, "I'll be glad to be your caregiver." We ended up cuddling for the rest of the night.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please leave kind words, my loves. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Ennoshita Chikara

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