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Character: Hinata Shoyo
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Apple and orange
*The reader has red hair *

(Third pov)

The team watched with raised eyebrows and confusion on their faces as Hinata smiled and chuckled at something on his phone. Recently they have all come to notice how he's been on his phone whenever he got the chance. It made all of them curious including Tsukishima because whoever was talking to him caused him to calm down and only use his energy for school and volleyball practice meaning he wasn't on top of Tsukishima, so that caused him to also be curious. Snapping out of his daze Daichi told everyone to get back to practice but when Hinata made no move to join them Kageyama got angry and threw a volleyball at his head before screaming, "Boke Hinata boke. We are going back to practice, pay attention"

Daichi put a hand on Kageyama's shoulder to calm him down before looking over at Hinata. "Hinata would you care to explain why you've been so into your phone recently and why does it seem like you're speaking to someone important," Daichi said causing the faintest blush to appear on Hinata's face. "Um well, Daichi-san umm you see umm" "For the love of everything shrimpy hurry the fuck up and get to the point," Tsukishima said earning him a slap to his back from Sugawara. Clearing his throat Hinata began to fiddle with his phone before answering, "I have been texting my significant other." Everything went quiet in the gym before Tanaka and Nishinoya yelled with tears streaming down their face, "OUR KOHAI GOT A SIGNIFICANT OTHER FASTER THAN US WHAT KIND OF SENPAIS ARE WE"

Everyone stared at them before the whole gym burst out in laughter. Once everyone has calmed down Daichi once again turned towards Hinata before speaking up, "You should bring the person who is making you so happy to practice one day" Hinata's eyes widened before he looked at Daichi with stars in his eyes, "Really Daichi-senpai? I can bring them here" Daichi only nodded before speaking up again, "As long as you go back to practice today without being distracted" Hinata only nodded his head in agreement before running over to the court after having set his phone back into his bag.

*time skip*

It was a couple of days after Daichi had agreed to let Hinata's lover come to practice and well-currently he was regretting his decision. Only because it was the day his significant other would be coming and Hinata could not stay still at all. 'It's as if shrimpy ate 10 pounds of candy' Tsukishima thought with disgust written all over his face as he looked at the bark of sunshine. "They're almost here. THEY'RE ALMOST HERE" yelled Hinata while running around the gym. Most of them watched in amusement as Hinata ran around the gym completely oblivious to the person who just walked through the door and was watching Hinata and his team in pure amusement.

"Damn babe if I knew you were gonna be this excited for me to see your practice I would've come before" all eyes turned towards the person at the door and their jaws all dropped as they saw a male with bright red hair, (e/c) eyes, a lip piercing that connected to his ear with a chain and a bunch of other piercings. But the thing that was the most prominent about this person was the fact that they were way taller than Hinata. Hinata paused his running before looking at his lover and yelling loudly, "(M/n)!" And just like that, they watched in pure surprise/amusement as Hinata ran towards the person and quite literally climbed on top of him like a tree.

The person held onto Hinata before he spoke up, "Hey I'm Tendou (M/n) and I'm Hinata's boyfriend. It's nice to finally meet the team he talks so much about" the guy they now know as (M/n) said while smiling softly at them. Suddenly Tanaka and Nishinoya gasped at pointed at them, "APPLE AND ORANGE." Hinata and (M/n) looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. The team laughed along with them before they had calmed down and began to get to know (M/n) and (M/n) began to get to know them. The team collectively decided to give Hinata some time alone with his lover so they walked away from them.

(M/n) turned towards Hinata before gently pecking his lips, "Thanks for letting me meet them love bug" "Of course I wanted to introduce them to you because I knew they would like you" Hinata said while smiling brightly making (M/n) chuckle in response. "You should go back to practice love bug" Hinata nodded before standing up, "Watch me (M/n)-san" (M/n) only nodded his head before smacking Hinata's ass effectively making him squeal loudly.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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