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Character: Hanamaki Takahiro
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: It was lowkey dumb
*Vampire AU**Femboy Reader*

(M/n pov)

"(M/n) come here" I heard my father say. I pouted a bit before I put my book down. I stood up and walked towards my father, "Yes papa?" I asked. "(M/n) I know how much you love the idea of werewolves, mermaids, vampires, and other mythical creatures so I thought I should tell you of the rumor that's going around the village" I stared at him with wide eyes waiting for him to tell me but he simply smirked before he tapped his chin and hummed, "I don't know if I should tell you. I mean you barely take care of your old man anymore." I giggled a bit before grabbing my father's hand, "Please papa tell me" "You know I can never say no to you. Anyways there's a rumor that in the middle of Miyagi woods there's an old mansion and supposedly vampires live there"

I stared at him with stars in my eyes before he chuckled and pointed towards a bag that was by the door. I opened it and began looking inside the bag. It had food, a knife, two books, a map, and a light wand clearly from a wizard. I looked beside the bag and saw a sword. I grabbed the bag and the sword, "Go ahead and go to the mansion. I know you want to see whether or not it has vampires. Oh I have one last thing to give you" he stood up and picked up a box. He opened it and pulled out an outfit and handed it to me with a small smile on his face, "You're just as adventurous and curious as your mother used to be so I thought it would be fitting to get you the perfect outfit"

 He opened it and pulled out an outfit and handed it to me with a small smile on his face, "You're just as adventurous and curious as your mother used to be so I thought it would be fitting to get you the perfect outfit"

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I smiled brightly before hugging my father and grabbing the clothes and changing. "Thank you father" "Yeah yeah kid. Now go before it gets too dark" I smiled a hit before hugging him, "Come back home safely, okay?" I nodded my head before grabbing the bag and the sword and putting them on. And with that, I began my trip towards the Miyagi forest.

*time skip*

I had finally made it to Miyagi forest. I took out my map before I walked into the forest, 'No turning back now' I thought. I made my way through the forest my heart pounding in my chest as it got darker and darker. Suddenly I heard a bit of rustling which startled me a bit. I took out my sword before I backed away from the noise. I kept walking backward while making sure nothing ran in my direction because I didn't feel like fighting anything. Just as I thought everything was fine I felt my back hit something. I gasped quietly before I turned around to see what I had bumped into. I smiled brightly when I realized that it was a door meaning I had finally arrived at the mansion. I pulled out the light wand and opened the door. Walking inside I looked around cautiously before I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. I didn't say anything and continued looking around while making sure to watch my surroundings.

I heard someone clear their throat so I looked up and shined the wand in the direction. I gasped when I saw a group of guys glaring down at me. "Who do you think you are you puny human entering our home?" I heard someone growl out but suddenly the person who said that got smacked over the head. "Shut up shittykawa. Any way kid why'd you come here?" The guy asked as the other one continued whining in pain. I giggled a bit before speaking, "There was a rumor going around my village that there was a mansion in the Miyagi woods and that it had vampires in it and well I'm a curious and adventurous person so I came to see whether or not it was true. But it seems like it is." I explained while bouncing on the balls of my feet from excitement. Suddenly a vampire with light brown hair and beady brown eyes stood in front of me with a small smirk on his lips. "You guys can't put your grubby hands on this human" I tilt my head in confusion before he looked at me and whispered, "It was lowkey dumb that you came here but thanks to that I was able to finally have you by my side, my mate"

He grabbed my hand before kissing the back of it. "Please do me the great honor of becoming my partner for life" I stared at him for a moment before I pulled my hand away, "I don't know you that well so first take me out before you ask me that." He pouted a bit before nodding his head in agreement, "Well let's start here. My names (L/n) (M/n), and yours?" He smirked a bit, "I'm Hanamaki Takahiro."

"It's nice to meet you Hanamaki" "It's nice to meet you too my mate"

(Third pov)

And that's the story of how the vampire Hanamaki and the human (M/n) met and became mates.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Asahi Azumane (Omegaverse)

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