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Character: Akaashi Keiji
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Angel
Request: N/A
(R/c) = Random country
(E/c) = Eye Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(Y/h) = Your Height

(M/n pov)

You're probably wondering exactly where I am and what I'm doing. Well currently I'm being dragged by my best friend since childhood. Who claimed that since I'm back from (R/c) I HAVE to meet his team.

I mean imagine this a 6'1 man child who might I add is yelling at the top of his lungs about how everyone's going to love me and how there is going to be two angels in the gym, dragging a (Y/h) child who looks like is going to faint from pure embarrassment.

Finally we make it to the gym and before we walk in Bokuto turns to me and says with a smile "Calm down (M/n) everything is going to go well and if anyone says anything mean I'll take care of them". Taking a deep breath I nod my head and he smiles brighter and open the gym door.

(Akaashi's pov)

I turn toward the gym door only to catch sight of Bokuto. I was about to start yelling at him until he turns toward his back clearly talking to someone. The team and I watch in curiosity as Bokuto is quietly talking to the person. Which is kind of surprising seeing as he's the loudest person on earth.

Suddenly he turns back around with a big smile in his face and says "Team meet my childhood best friend (M/n), (M/n) meet the team." As soon as he finishes saying that the most beautiful person I've ever seen steps out from behind Bokuto. He had beautiful (e/c) eyes and fluffy (h/c). The team was quite till Konoha spoke up "Bokuto are you sure you didn't just drag a random child into the gym?". Before Bokuto could answer a giggle was heard and then an angel like voice spoke "Bokuto didn't kidnap me" "Haha you fools" Bokuto yells. Suddenly smack was heard and Bokuto looked like he wanted to cry. "Kõ-kun be nice" Bokuto nods his head as fast a possible. He smiles and everyone in the gym blushes including myself. I walk towards them "Agaashii, Agaaashii meet (M/n)" I sigh "My name is Akaashi Keiji, pleasure to meet you" I smile towards him to make him feel comfortable and he smiles back just as bright as Bokuto would "Nice to meet you Akaashi-senpai, I'm (L/n) (M/n)" we continue smiling at each other completely lost in each others eyes.

(Third pov)

The team stared in shock at both Akaashi and (M/n) as they smile.

'I'm blinded to bright, they're like pretty angels' was their only thought.

I hope you guys enjoyed. I love you
my sweet potatoes
Please do request if you have any story you wish for me to write.

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