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Character: Suna Rintarou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Um yes, please

(Suna pov)

We all watched in confusion as the Miya twins talked on the phone. Suddenly they gasped before they began jumping up and down like two kids who got told they could get a cookie from the special cookie jar. "Yes!!" They screeched before they hung up the phone and continued jumping around. It wasn't much of a surprise to us seeing Atsumu act that way but Osamu too. It could only mean one thing that phone calls must've given them so amazing news. "Hey, what's wrong with you two?" Asked Kita with a confused look on his face.

They smiled brightly before Atsumu yelled out, "Our older brother is finally returning from his business trip in a couple of days and our mom called us to tell us." We stared at them even more confused than before Aran spoke up, "I've known you guys for years, and not once did I hear about your older brother." Osamu scratched the back of his head before letting out an awkward laugh, "Well um he's never been there type to put himself out there and he told us not to tell anyone about him since he suddenly blew up after opening his own company. He just didn't want anyone coming for us because we are related to him"

'That's actually understandable and kinda admirable' I thought. "But anyway he's coming to visit us soon and mom has asked him to come to see us practice one of these days," Atsumu said while practically vibrating from excitement. Kita nodded his head before telling us to go back to practice.

*time skip*

It's been about three days since we had initially found out about the Miya twin's older brother and we could all tell that they were extremely excited for the day he walked through the gym door. I sighed loudly before I sat down on the bench. Suddenly the gym door slammed open effectively startling everyone. We all looked towards the door and my jaw dropped at the male that stood there with a sexy ass smile on his face. He looked like the Miya's but his face was a lot more mature and he had a bunch of piercings as well as a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm.

"(M/N)!!" The twins yelled simultaneously before running towards the guy and hugging him. He chuckled before ruffling their hairs, "Hey guys. How have you guys been? Are you behaving?" They nodded their head before Atsumu spoke up, "We've been good." He nodded a bit before he looked at every one of us, "Ah which one of you is the team captain?" Kita raised his hand and the guy spoke up again, "Have they been good? Do they fight a lot?" I watched as the twins froze as Kita nodded his head. "Suna here has evidence of them fighting" the twin's jaws drops while I held in my laughter at the fact that Kita nonchalantly snitched them out.

"Ah alright," he said before pulling the twins of him and beginning to walk towards me. Once he was standing in front of me I realized that he was an alpha and that his scent was alluring. I looked up at the taller male and noticed that he had the same look of realization on his face. He smirked a bit before gently grabbing my hand. He kissed the back of it before pulling me towards him and whispering in my ear, "It's nice to finally meet you. My omega and my mate" I blushed bright red before looking down at the ground out of embarrassment.

He put two of his fingers under my chin before making me look up at him, "Would it be alright if I could take you on a date?" "Um yes, please," I said softly.

*flashback end*

"Rinta- Rintarou, earth to Rintarou" I snap out of my daze and looked at my alpha. "Yes?" He stared at me before laughing loudly, "Jeez baby what were you thinking about so hard that you didn't hear me calling your name?" I blushed a bit "I um was thinking about when we first met." He stared at me for a moment before he gently grabbed my face, "Oh yeah?" I nodded my head, "Yeah" "I'm so glad I was able to meet you that day. You have no idea how long I waited till I finally found my other half." "I'm glad I found you that day too"

He smiled, "I love you my omega" "I love you too my alpha"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Goshiki Tsutomu (Parent AU)

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