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Character: Tendou Satori
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My cutie pie

(M/n pov)

(N/n)✨: Tenten, do you want to come over since it's the weekend?

Tenten❤️: I would love to come over paradise. Give me 5 and I'll be on my way.

(N/n)✨: Okay tenten

I set my phone down on my bedside table before I fixed my bed. I got up and walked towards the bathroom before grabbing my skincare box and grabbing some products I knew Tendou would like. I set them down on my bed before leaving my bedroom and walking towards my kitchen. I grabbed some of Tendou favorite chocolate along with (f/s). I made sure to grab us some drinks as well before putting them into another box to bring them into my room. Looking inside of the fridge I smiled a bit when I noticed that I also had some of Tendou's favorite chocolate ice cream.

Walking back into my bedroom I set down the snacks on my bedside table before I turned on my TV and played (f/m). I sat on my bed waiting for Tendou to finally arrive. It wasn't long till I heard my doorbell ring making me smile brightly. I paused the movie before running towards the front door. Peaking through the peephole I see Tendou smiling softly while balancing on the balls of his feet. I opened the door before opening my arms knowing Tendou would collapse into them. And I was right because next, I know Tendou is hugging me while leaving butterfly kisses all over my face making me giggle.

"Hiii paradise, I missed you so much," He said while softly caressing my face with his thumb. I smiled softly before speaking up, "I missed you too. Now come on I've got a relaxing date for the both of us." I grabbed his hand before pulling him inside my house and locking my door before continuing to drag him towards my room. Before we walked inside I turned around, "Close your eyes I want it to be a surprise." He stared at me for a moment before closing his eyes. I waved my hand in front of his face to see whether or not he had them closed and when I saw he did I simply smiled and dragged him inside of my room. I sat him down on my bed before taking off his shoes and grabbing one of my spare hairbands.

"Okay you can open your eyes" he opened his eyes before he began looking around. I watched as his eyes scanned over everything before he looked back at me and opened his arms. I stepped in between his legs as he wrapped his arms around my face and placed his chin on my chest. I softly played with his hair as he closed his eyes like a cat. "Thank you for the wonderful date my paradise" I smiled a bit and hummed before backing away from him. I sat on my bed before patting my lap silently telling Tendou to lay his head on it. He did as told before giving me a questioning look. I smiled softly immediately, making him relax. I grabbed ahold of the box holding the skincare products before placing it next to me.

I put the hairband on him before beginning to do my usual skincare routine on him. At some point, it seemed like he was going to fall asleep so I grabbed some chocolate and softly hit his lip with it. He stuck his tongue out a bit and once he tasted the chocolate his eyes widened before he opened his mouth waiting for me to drop the chocolate in his mouth which I did. He chewed it while I played the movie that I had in earlier and continued to finish the skincare.

Once I was done I patted his shoulders and he simply smiled before getting up from my lap. He gently pulled me onto his lap before we cuddled a bit. "Thank you so much my cutie pie. I enjoyed this date. I missed you a lot. I'm sorry that volleyball has been taking so much time away from the two of us." "It's okay alpha. I understand. Plus I don't want to be a bother to you." "You have never been a bother to me. Never have and never will. I love you so much my omega." "I love you to alpha"

With that, we shared a soft kiss before we pulled away and continued cuddling while watching the movie.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Suna Rintarou (Omegaverse)

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