Brother! Sugawara x Tsukishima

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Character: Sugawara Koushi and Tsukishima Kei
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Better watch out
⚠️The reader is Sugawara's younger brother, platonic⚠️

(M/n pov)

Earlier today I had found a love letter on my desk and I thought I recognized the person handwriting as well as what they used to sign the letter, a dinosaur, so to see whether or not I was right on who left that letter I went to the place they requested to meet. And that's where I was at that moment, sitting by the cherry blossom tree my head leaning against the tree with my eyes closed waiting for whoever was attempting to confess to me. As I was about to sleep I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

Looking up I saw Tsukishima staring down at me with a small blush on his face. I stood up effectively towering over him before I smiled a bit. "Hey Tsukishima" he looked down at the ground and began pulling his fingers out of nervousness, "Hey." I chuckled a bit before gently ruffling his hair, "Was it you who left that letter on my desk" he flinched a bit before nodding his head, "Oh so THE Tsukishima Kei wrote me a love letter" I said in a teasing tone. He blushed harder before he pouted a bit, "Well yeah I guess. Whatever just hurry up and reject me."

I chuckled a bit before I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. His eyes were tearing up and he had an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. I rubbed my thumb against his cheek before I leaned in and pecked his lips, "You're so cute but Ima have to hear the words come from that bratty mouth of yours" he stared at me before he slowly nodded his head in agreement. I smirked and prepared myself to listen to his confession, "(M/n) I um like you a lot, and I know that a lot of people say you're just the scary tall second year with tattoos and piercings but in my opinion you're nice and well I guess would you like to go out with me?"

I stared at him before I grabbed his chin and kissed him again. Pulling away I smirked and replied, "Of course I'd love to go out with you cutie" I saw the smallest smile come upon his face before it went away and he looked me I'm the eye again, "Do you mean it?" "Of course I do cutie. When it comes to relationships I don't play." He nodded his head before he looked back at the ground. I could tell he wanted to ask for something, "Kei you look like you wanna ask something?" "C-can I get a hug?" I chuckled a bit before opening my arms he immediately hugged me and nuzzled his face onto my chest. "So cute" I whispered out.

*time skip*

It's been about three weeks since I started going with Tsukishima and my older brother has been catching on to the signs that I was dating someone. I was laying on my bed whilst doing my homework and texting Tsukishima when Koushi walked into my room and sat on my desk chair while staring dead at me. "Umm, how may I help you, bro?" He continued to stare at me before he smirked a bit, "You have a significant other, right?" "I do" he looked surprised that I immediately admitted to dating someone. "How long?" "Hmm, three weeks" he dramatically gasped before he put a hand to his heart, "It's happened my little brother no longer tells me things."

I rolled my eyes before I smirked a bit, "How about you meet them?" He stared at me slightly looking doubtful before he slowly nodded his head, "Great I'll bring them to your practice tomorrow" with that he left my room. I quickly took my phone and texted Tsukishima.

💗🦖: Kei is it okay for me to tell my brother that we're dating?

🦕✨: Your brother?

💗🦖: Yes my brother, Sugawara Koushi

🦕✨: 👁👄👁 You're a Sugawara?

💗🦖: Babe you didn't even know my last name? Damn I see how it is

🦕✨: I'm sorry

💗🦖: It's okay love I was kidding but back to the question can I officially introduce you as my boyfriend? It's going to be in front of the team but it's only if you want and are comfortable

🦕✨: I'm okay with it

💗🦖: Alright love. You should head to bed you have an exam tomorrow and practice. Goodnight❤️

🦕✨: Goodnight ❤️

*time skip*

It was now the next day after school and I was making my way towards the gym with a small bag in one hand and a cake box in the other. I knocked on the gym door before walking ineffective all of the attention was on me. "Oh you're here (M/n)" he began looking behind me before his eyebrows furrowed, "I thought you said you were going to bring your significant other, where are they?" I smirked before walking over to the sweaty and blushing Kei before wrapping one of my arms around his waist, "Well you see oniisan, Kei here is my significant other" everything in the gym was quiet.

They all stared at us before Koushi started walking towards Tsukishima and me. He put his hand on Tsukishima's shoulder before starting him down, "Better watch out Tsukishima. You just signed your soul to the devil. I'm warning you now." I rolled my eyes before removing my brother's hand. "Here's Kei" I handed him the cake and the present. He looked at both and then at me before pecking my cheek and then proceeding to his face in my shoulder when everyone started cheering and congratulating us. "Thanks for letting me tell them love" I whispered in his ear and he simply nodded his head and continued to cuddle into my arms.

And that was the start of my first and last relationship ever. We became high school sweethearts and finished college together before we got married and spent the rest of our lives together. "I love you so much Kei," I said as I gently played with his hair as he laid his head on my chest, "I love you too (n/n)"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Osamu Miya (Omegaverse)

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