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Character: Kenma Kozume
Type: Slight Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: My future
Request: ImOtakuTrash1

(M/n pov)

I couldn't help but feel like crying right now. Kenma has recently been spending more and more time in the office and streaming on his YouTube gaming channel. I don't know where it's my insecurities or if it's my pregnancy hormones but I can't help but feel upset that he hasn't been spending time with me.

Ever since I told him I was pregnant things have been going downhill. The first couple of weeks went well but then at the end of my first trimester he got distant. But I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault, like me getting pregnant got in the way of his life.

Just as I was about to continue overthinking absolutely everything my phone had dinged. Picking it up I take a look at who texted me

Baby can you get dressed and come to [Random Name] Park

Why? Are you okay?

Baby everything is okay. Just come to the park, make sure you look absolutely beautiful like you always do.

Okay Ken

Getting up from the bed, I took a quick shower and walked into our shared closet. Oversized (f/c) sweater, some black leggings, and some slip-on (f/c) vans. Once I finished getting dress I called an Uber to take me to the park.

I thanked the uber driver after paying him and I waddled around the park with a hand rested on my belly while looking around for any sign of Kenma. As I continued looking around I saw a bunch of twinkling lights in the distance.

I walked towards the light and as I got closer I saw a figure standing there in a suit. Once I got even closer I realized that it was Kenma. Tilting my head in confusion I spoke up, "Kenma?" He was quick to turn around and look at me with a small smile on his face, "Hi kitten" he said softly walking towards me.

He grabbed my hands, "What's going on here, Kenma?" I asked. "Before I answer that baby, I have something to tell you" I look up at him and nodded my head, and told him to continue.

"(M/n), since the moment I met you everything in my life turned 10 times better. You have no idea how happy you have made me. You make me feel emotions that no one else has ever made me feel. And you supported me throughout everything, you were one of the few people who stayed with me when I first started my company and when I first started my YouTube channel and now you're even having our first child"

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, he was quick to wipe my tears with his thumb before getting down on his knee and continuing, "I love you so so much kitten, so would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

Tears streamed down my face as my hand covered my mouth. I nodded my head at him before he stood back up and gently grabbed my face before pulling me into a sweet kiss.

"I'm sorry for not being around these last few weeks, kitten. In all honesty, I've been trying to plan this for a while, and being around you would have caused me to accidentally spoil the surprise."

I smiled gently at him, "It's okay Kenma, just please never do this again" He was quick to nod his head and place another gentle kiss on my lips.

"Thank you for being my future, kitten"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I like this one and I hope you guys did too. I love you my sweet potatoes

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