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Character: Hinata Shoyo
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Forever my sunshine
*Angel/Demon AU*
⚠️Season one spoilers⚠️

(Third pov)

As Hinata made his way towards the gym for morning practice he could hear other students talking about someone new transferring into the school. "Oh my god have you heard the news?" "What news?" "Someone is transferring halfway through the year and supposedly they're a fal-" Hinata was unable to hear the rest of what the girl was saying because she whispered it. But in all honesty, he could care less because he had finally arrived at the gym. As he walked inside he could practically see the tended energy inside it.

He cautiously walked in while making sure not to be too loud afraid that it might be his fault that everyone is so tense. As he walked closer to the court he could see the third year all sitting on the bench while nervously shaking their legs up and down. The second years were no better. Nishinoya and Tanaka were hugging each other while nervously biting at their fingernails. Hinata along with the other first years stared at the third and second years in confusion and disgust, from Tsukishima's part. Hinata, thinking that because he was late he didn't get to hear why they were acting like this, spoke up, "Um senpai's what's wrong? Why do you all look like you've seen a ghost?"

The third and the second years all seemed to flinch at the question, snapping out of their daze but none of them spoke up to explain what was wrong. Not until the door opened and Kiyoko walked through it looking slightly out of breath. Immediately they all looked at her as if waiting for some kind of news. "Well?" Asked Daichi cautiously. Kiyoko sighed before nodding her head. Everyone froze but the first years froze and fell to their knees while holding in their tears. "No no, it can't be true. He would never be like that."

"Kiyoko-san what's wrong with everyone?" Kiyoko looked over at Hinata who asked the question before she looked at the ground and sighed a bit. "I guess it's about time you guys find out" she looked back at the third and second years before continuing, "As most of you may know after the game against Date Tech, Nishinoya and Asahi both momentarily quit the team. Or more like Nishinoya got suspended. Well, there was a third team member who left. He was what we considered the angel of the team. He somehow always knew what to say when there was a conflict between the members and somehow he was able to help me speak up and become a better manager. After that game, he suddenly went missing and rumors spread around but we didn't believe any of them." Kiyoko sighed a bit before she sat down on the bench and continued.

"Well there were many rumors but there was one we simply couldn't shake off. It was that they became a fallen angel. Which would explain why he suddenly left the school. And to explain why everyone was so tense it's because we all had a feeling that the transfer student was the ex-teammate and well there had me go confirm or deny it. And I found that it was him." Hinata stood frozen after hearing the story. He couldn't help but feel like he's heard something similar from someone very special to him. But he decided that confirming his suspicions was the best course of action, "Um Kiyoko-san, I know this may seem like a weird question to ask but I need to confirm my suspicion." She looked at Hinata before nodding her head, silently telling him that he could ask the question.

"Can you please tell me the name of the ex-teammate?" Kiyoko was a bit surprised at the question as well as the rest of the team. "His name? Well um, his name is (L/n) (M/n)" Everyone stared at Hinata in confusion as his jaw dropped. "What's wrong Hinata?" Asked Kiyoko. Hinata shook his head before speaking up, "I know him. You guys might be wondering how but" they all looked at Hinata in confusion and curiosity as he paused mid-sentence. "I know him because he's my boy-"

"I'm his boyfriend" everyone froze at the new voice before looking over at the door and seeing their ex-teammate standing there in all his glory. Yet they could all tell something was different. He didn't look or present himself like the sweet angel they knew once. Now he seemed darker like something had happened that caused him to drastically change. But the team could honestly care less because they were all happy to know that he was okay. Hinata ran over to his demon lover before jumping into his arm. (M/n) chuckled a bit as he caught him. As he held him he spoke up, "It's nice to see you guys once again. We can talk later but I'm going to borrow Hinata quickly"

(M/n) carried Hinata out of the gym before walking to the side of it away from prying eyes. (M/n) gently put Hinata down before leaning down and pecking his lips, "Hi angel, I missed you" "I missed you too" Hinata said excitedly before he frowned and gently grabbed (M/n) face, "Are you sure you're okay with returning to school here after so long?" "Of course darling because I have you with me" Hinata smiled before hugging (M/n). "I love you Shoyo. You're forever my sunshine. The light to my life" Hinata blushed and giggled a bit before pecking (M/n) lips, "I love you too silly

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Matsukawa Issei x Hanamaki Takahiro (Soulmate AU)

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