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Character: Kenma Kozume
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Shy
*Soulmate AU*

(M/n pov)

I hummed a bit as I played on my Switch and made my way towards the school's gym. Walking in all eyes were on me before Suga rushed towards me and grabbed my wrist, presumably to see what the first words my soulmate would tell me. They're all are each other's soulmates so I don't have to worry about them being my soulmate. I looked down at the floor as he gasps at the words on my wrist. They had appeared there on my birthday, which was two days ago. He facepalmed before speaking up catching everyone's attention which made me nervous, "Only you would get a soulmate that says something that has to do with your games."

Suga let go of my arm and before anyone else could say anything the coach walked in and told us that we were going to have a practice match with Nekoma. I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous cause that meant that I would have to interact with people as well play. I'm an all-around player which meant I was significant to the team according to the team and the coach. I couldn't help but pout a bit as I played on my Switch and listened to the coach speak on what we should do to beat Nekoma.

*Time Skip*

It was now the Saturday of the practice match and I couldn't help but feel nervous as we get closer and closer to the school. I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch and snap my head towards them. Only to see Suga standing with a caring smile on his face. He says down next to me before handing me my Switch which Daichi took away from me. "Here (M/n), I know you get nervous when we go places and that playing games calms you down." I shyly smile at him before beginning to play games. Once we arrived Suga and I waited till everyone got off the bus before he stood up and grabbed my arm so I wouldn't walk the wrong way and end up getting lost because I was playing games.

I could hear Hinata yell someone's name before a bunch of commotion came from my team and the team we were going against. I sighed a bit before continuing to play Suga dragging me everywhere with him. He sat me down on one of the benches before going to mingle with the rest of the team. I quietly hummed to myself as I played animal crossing. I was selling a bunch of things to pay my debt but once I tried to pay it off I couldn't help but notice that I was short on money. "I um suggest you sell fish to get more money" I heard a monotone but the soft voice says from behind me which made me flinch and turn towards the person.

Looking at the boy I couldn't help but blush a bit when I noticed just how handsome he was. He had golden eyes with hair that kinda reminded me of pudding. Looking at him I couldn't help but whisper out "P-pudding h-hair". We stared at each other before he looked down at his wrist, his eyes immediately widened. "You're my soulmate," he said in a soft tone as if to not scare me. I looked down at my wrist when I saw that he wasn't wrong. The words that were on my wrist change to his name now.

"Umm it's n-nice to m-meet you um Kenma," I said softly while looking at the ground. "It's nice to meet you too (M/n). Do you want to play animal crossing with me?" I nod my head before he sat down next to me and we began playing games together.

It wasn't long before I heard Suga screech out, "Oh my god look our shy baby made a friend" I blushed, and before I could say anything Kenma pulled me towards his chest to hide me from everyone before glaring at them. He leaned down and whispered, "It's okay pudding. You don't have to be scared I'm here" I blushed even harder and grabbed onto his jersey. Before I heard even louder cries from Suga claiming that his favorite child finally found his soulmate and that he was proud. I couldn't help but blush harder in the end.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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