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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Lemon🍋
Story Name: My puppy

(M/n pov)

I sat on my bed patiently waiting for Iwaizumi to get out of the shower so that he could come and cuddle me. Sometimes I can't help but think that I got lucky in the alpha department. I got a sweet and caring alpha who is patient with me in every way. Even when it comes to something as intimate as sex he said he was willing to wait till I was ready.

He has no idea how good that made me feel because it made me realize he wasn't with me for my body and because I could have his pups. What he didn't know was that today was the day I wanted to do something with him. I both mentally and physically prepared myself for my alpha and he has no clue. As I heard the sound of the shower being turned off I couldn't help but get even more nervous but I inhaled a deep breath before exhaling it.

Before he stepped out of the bathroom I tried to make myself look sexier by sitting in a way where it looks seductive but in the end I kind of just look like I was constipated. Iwaizumi stepped out of the bathroom and once we made eye contact I could see him raise an eyebrow in confusion. "You okay, love?" I pouted a bit before nodding my head. Mustering all of the courage I could I stood up and walked over to him before wrapping my arms around his neck.

He wrapped his hands around my waist but still kept them at a respectable level. "Um Iwa I was um well you see" I started off but in the end, I couldn't tell him what I wanted. He gently laid one of his hands on my cheeks before speaking, "What's wrong darling? What's got you so nervous? You know you can tell me absolutely anything"

I stare up at him without saying anything I pulled him down to my height before kissing him. I blushed bright red into the kiss before pulling back a bit. "Iwa I'm r-ready for um t-that" he smiled a bit before pecking my nose, "Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself to do anything you're not comfortable with just to please me" I shook my head before bringing him closer to me to kiss him once again.

The kiss was gentle and full of love before he stuck his tongue in my mouth which made me moan in response. He tapped my thigh indicating that he wanted me to jump, so I did as he asked. Once I had wrapped my legs around him and he was holding onto me, he made his way towards the bed. He sat down and I was sitting on his lap, we pulled away from each other before he gently placed his hands on my waist. He slipped his thumbs underneath my shirt before gently rubbing circles onto my hip.

He leaned towards my neck before beginning to press butterfly kisses on my neck as well as small love bites. He licked my neck a bit before pulling away a bit and speaking "You asked for this my puppy so you better be prepared"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes and there will be no part 2 sorry

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