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Character: Suna Rintarou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: My better half
Request: UwU_chan12
Angel/Demon AU

(Suna pov)

I groan as Atsumu is all up in my face talking about how with my attitude I won't ever find anyone. I rolled my eyes and continued to get ready for a practice match against Karasuno. We finished getting ready as we heard the coach say that the Karasuno team was nowhere.

Standing in line with the rest of the team to greet the Karasuno team. I look up scanning them but my eyes stopped on the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. From what I can tell he is an angel but he's like the textbook definition of an angel.

He had (h/c) fluffy hair, gorgeous (e/c) eyes, he looked to be shorter than me and he had this smile that just drew you in.

Once the introduction happened I learned that his name was (L/n) (M/n) and to my surprise even his name was pretty. During the match I couldn't help but be distracted as all I could focus on was his smile as he helps his team get what they need.

Atsumu came up to me during our break. "Suna are you good?" I ignored him and continued to stare at the angel. Atsumu eyes followed mine before he smirked and said, "You should talk to him before I go over there and steal the cutie myself." I turn towards him and glare.

Before Atsumu could say anything I made my way towards him.

(M/n pov)

Ever since we got here for the match against Inarizaki I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. Not in a creepy way more like they were curious so when I was taking a look around the gym. I couldn't help but notice a guy with dark brown hair and grayish-yellow eyes watching me but turning to glare at a blond before he noticed that I was looking at him too.

I quickly looked away as I saw him get up and start walking towards me. I let out a shaky breath as he got closer to me. But before he could step closer and speak to me Noya and Tanaka got all up in his face.

"What do you think you're doing, huh?" Tanaka asked putting his 'gangsta' face on. "Yeah, are you trying to get to our angel manager," Nishinoya said next? The guy was trying to speak but they just kept getting close to him and he seems thrown off and he couldn't say anything because it looked like he didn't want to say the wrong thing.

So I decided to step in, I gently set my hand on Nishinoya and Tanaka's shoulder before smiling up at the unknown demon. "It's okay Noya and Tanaka, he probably just has a question or something. I can take care of myself" I smiled at them and they just looked like they were going to faint but they quickly backed off and left to the rest of the team. I turn back to the brown-haired demon smiling slightly.

"How may I help you?" He cleared his throat before speaking, "I um was wondering if you'd like to go on a date sometime?" I raised an eyebrow before realizing how nervous he was though he seemed to be trying to act tough. I let out a small giggle before speaking up, "Sure I'd love to go on a date with you as soon as I get your name" He smiled slightly before replying with, "Suna, Suna Rintarou is my name" I smiled back and said "Nice to meet you Suna"

*Time skip*

We ended going on amazing dates for a couple of months before he asked me to be his boyfriend which I of course said yes.

We were currently laying on his bed in a cuddle session as a random movie plays in the background. He kissed my nose before speaking up, "Thank you for loving me even though I have an attitude problem and I am super lazy" I smile up at him, "I'll always love you Suna" he then kissed me. The kiss was soft and full of love. After we parted he put his forehead against mine.

"I love you so much, you're my other half"

I peck his lips once again before replying with, "I love you too"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Here is Suna baby. Sorry if it isn't his personality but I did what I could with a bit of information I have on him. I love you my sweet potatoes muah.

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