Cheater! Tanaka x Ennoshita

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Character: Tanaka Ryuunosuke and Ennoshita Chikara
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy ending ☁️
Story Name: He never was and never will be worth your tears

(M/n pov)

I was currently on my way to surprise my loving boyfriend, Tanaka, and my lovely sister Kiyoko with their favorite meals. I had spent most of the day making Tenmesu for Kiyoko and melon pan for Tanaka. I couldn't wait to surprise them because I knew just how much they enjoyed my cooking. I also couldn't wait to see the rest of the team because I had also made them their favorite foods and dessert. Just as I stepped into the Karasuno high school grounds my phone rang in my pocket. I tilted my head in confusion before pulling it out of my pocket and looking at the contact name which read, 'Enno-Senpai<3.'

I frowned a bit confused since he's never been the type to call me he usually texted me. Shaking my head, I answered the phone and brought it up to my ear. "Hello? Enno-senpai, how may I help you? You usually call me so it must be something important that you have to tell me" I started giggling a bit. He chuckled nervously in response before he cleared his throat, "Listen (M/n) I have something important to tell you. But you have to promise to hear me out." I hummed a bit before speaking up, "I'll hear you out since I know you'd be the person who would never hurt me or lie to me." He took a deep breath before he spoke up, "Tanakaischeatingonyouwithyoursisterimsorryihadtobetheonetotellyoubut-" "Woah Woah" I say cutting him off, "First off slow down and repeat that. Two please be clear with your pronunciation cause I could not understand anything you said."

He sighed before speaking up once again. "Tanaka is cheating on you with your sister. I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you but I couldn't stand the fact they were doing thing behind your back" I paused before bursting out in laughter, "That was a good joke Enno-senpai. You had me scared there for a second. There's no way Tanaka and my sister would do anything like that." He stayed quiet over the phone and I just stood in my place with a hand covering my mouth before I hung upon him. I wiped my tears before walking towards the gym. If Ennoshita was telling the truth then I wanted to see for myself. Standing in front of the gym I grabbed onto the edge of the window before pulling myself up to see what was going on inside.

I made sure to stay quiet as I watched as everyone except Tanaka and Kiyoko stood behind Ennoshita

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I made sure to stay quiet as I watched as everyone except Tanaka and Kiyoko stood behind Ennoshita. "You guys are absolutely the worst people on the fucking planet. How could you cheat on your boyfriend with his sister?" He yelled at them and then proceeded to point at my sister, "And you how could you do your brother like that? Do you have any idea how much he loves you?" They looked at the ground in shame. That was enough to confirm everything Ennoshita had told me. I got down from the window and burst through the gym door. All eyes were on me as I stomped towards Tanaka with slight tears in my eyes. Once I was standing in front of Tanaka I smacked him before I shoved my finger in his chest, "You're an asshole, you know that? To think that I loved you and this is how you do me behind my back. And you" I start looking over at Shimizu, "You're supposed to always be there for me. You're my older sister and this is also how you do me. Going out with my boyfriend behind my back."

I stood back and put the basket of food down, "I'm done with both of you. Tanaka, we're done and Shimizu doesn't speak to me ever, even when we're at home." With that, I turned around and walked out of the gym, "Wait (M/n)" I heard them yell as I walked out faster. Once I was out of their view I ran towards one of my favorite gardens. Once I was there I sat down on the bench and let my tears fall. It wasn't long till I heard panting from behind me and felt a hand on my shoulder, "(M/n)?" I heard the voice of Ennoshita say. I sniffed a bit before wiping my tears, "Hey Enno-senpai." He sighed a bit before sitting next to me and pulling me into a hug, "It's okay. He never has and never will be worth your tears. So hold your head up high and don't cry." I looked up at him before smiling softly, "Thank you for being there for me." He blushed lightly before shaking his head and smiling, "I'll always be here for you."

I stared at him for a moment before I pulled away from the hug, "Enno-senpai do you have feelings for me?" He looked a bit shocked at my question. he just sighed and nodded his head, "I know is the worst time to tell you but I do have feelings for you." I hummed a bit before grabbing his hand, "Thank you for being honest with me." "Umm (M/n) if it's okay with you could I possibly court you" I smiled a bit before nodding my head, "YES! Ahem, I mean cool" I giggled a bit in response as he continues to comfort me for the rest of the day.

*time skip*

I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I heard a knock at the door. I stood up and opened it only to find Ennoshita standing behind it with a small smile on his face, a bouquet, and a small bow tie. I giggled at his appearance before speaking up, "What's up with the outfit and the flowers?" He chuckled nervously before speaking up, "Well I came by to ask if you wanted to be my boyfriend. It's been a bit since we've started talking and since I first ask to court you so yeah." I smiled softly before grabbing the bouquet and kissing his cheek. "I'd love to be your boyfriend" he smiled before leaning and placing a loving kiss on my lips.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Suna Rintarou (Vampire AU)

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