Bakuto x Akaashi

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Character: Bokuto Koutarou and Akaashi Keiji
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'll take care of you both

(M/n pov)

I was sitting at home watching TV and having a nice day to myself when I heard my phone ring. I frowned a bit in confusion when I saw that it was Akaashi's mother who was calling me. I answered the phone and brought it up to my ear before speaking up in a confused tone, "Hello?" I heard a sigh of relief from Akaashi's mother before she spoke up, "I'm so glad you picked up (M/n). Listen, Bokuto and Keiji both got stuck in the rain yesterday and well they ended up getting fevers and now they can't get out of bed." I gasped a bit, "Is there anything I could do to help?" I asked worried for my boyfriends. "Well for the last two hours Bokuto has been asking about you. And Keiji also wants to see you though he won't say it out loud. But here's the thing, I have to be somewhere for business and I can't care for two grown teenagers and I was wondering if you could come over and take care of them."

I immediately agreed and hung up after telling her I'll be there in less than ten minutes. I stood up from my bed and began getting ready to go to Akaashi's house. I grabbed a duffel bag and put some ingredients for soup in it as well as medicine for my two lovers. Lastly, I grabbed my phone and keys before I began walking towards Akaashi's house. Arriving at his house I notice his mom pacing back and forth in front of the car. Once she saw me she waved and got into her car before driving away. I stared at her car for a moment before I walked into the house. I took off my shoes before making my way to the kitchen. I began to quietly make soup because I wanted to surprise my lovers with some soup. I hummed as I poured the soup into some bowls as well as grabbed the medicine from my duffel bag.

I put everything on a tray before I walked towards Akaashi's room. I gently knock on the door before walking inside, "Keiji, Bo?" I said in a soft voice. I looked at the bed and saw that Bokuto had dried tears on his cheeks and that he and Akaashi were cuddling into each other while sleeping. I frowned a bit before putting the tray down on Akaashi's desk and walking over to them. I sat on the bed and began to gently shake them awake, "Still sleepy mom" Akaashi mumbled, making me silently giggle. "I didn't know I was your mom Keiji" as soon as I said that their eyes snapped open and they looked at me in pure shock. "(M/n)? What are you doing here?" Akaashi asked, looking worried. "Your mom needed to go out for some business so she called me to take care of you two."

They nodded their heads in understanding and watched as I crossed my arms over my chest and slightly glared at them, "Now care to explain how you two got sick?" I asked. Bokuto and Akaashi looked at each other before looking down at their laps. "I-it's my fault. When it rained yesterday I asked Akaashi to play in the rain with me and since we didn't have the proper clothes we got sick." Bokuto said while looking extremely guilty. I sighed and gently patted his head, "Thank you for telling me the truth. But don't ever do this again. Also, I heard from Akaashi's mom that you two missed me and that you wanted to see me." The blushed and I just giggled and stood up and grabbed the bowls of soup. I hand one to each of them before smiling softly, "Since I'm here and I love you guys so much. I'll take care of you both." They smiled before they spoke up, "We love you too"

The rest of the day I spent it taking care of my two overgrown babies.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Matsukawa Issei & Hanamaki Takahiro

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