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Character: Yamaguchi Tadashi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I like you
*You guys can play the song*

(M/n pov)

Yams and Tsukki have been my childhood friends for as long as I could remember. But recently I have been avoiding Yams at all cost. I don't want to hurt him but I don't think I can stay around him much longer.

Being around him makes me feel like I could combust at any moment. He just makes me feel so happy and in reality, I've been meaning to confess for a while but I can't seem to find the courage to confess to him.

I could tell that Yams was saddened by the fact that I was avoiding him. It's gotten to the point where Tsukki is getting annoyed with me and is trying to talk to me about the issue so I started to avoid him too.

I let out a soft sigh, I thought I was going to spend today successfully avoiding Yams and Tsukki but Tsukki had other plans. As soon as it was break time and I was on my way to the bathroom to hide away from them. But Tsukki was quicker than me and snatched me and dragged me somewhere quieter.

"Why have you been avoiding Yamaguchi? I didn't care that you avoided me but when you started avoiding Yamaguchi he got all sad and wasn't doing good in games." He got straight to the point. I look down at my feet and the letter in my hands that I was going to flush down the toilet.

"So?" He said getting impatient, "Well um you see haha~ here the thing I may or may have not have a crush on Yams and I have been avoiding him because I'm scared of rejection." Everything went crying for what felt like an eternity before Tsukki spoke up again. "Is that letter father you're holding for him?" I looked down with an even bigger blush on my face and slowly nodded my head.

Before I had any time to react the bell rung, Tsukki grabbed the letter and walked off. While I just stayed in my spot my jaw on the ground and my blush no covering my entire body from embarrassment.

I didn't want to be late to class but I also didn't want Tsukki to do anything bad with that letter but school attendance was way too important for my strict parents so I walked to class with a worried face and mind.

*after school*

(Yams pov)

I was walking with Tsukki to the gym when he held out a letter in front of me. I stared at both him and the letter confused but before I could say or asked anything he interrupted me, "Read that and you'll understand why (M/n) has been avoiding you." With that he walked away before he went fully out of my sight he shouted over his shoulder, "I'll tell the coach you won't be coming to practice today"

In the end, that just left me more confused. But I decided to trust Tsukki since I knew he would never do something unless he was in some way too involved. Opening the letter I began to read

Dear Yams,

I've been trying to confess to you for the longest time. Whenever I'm around you I can't help but feel like I'm on top of the world. You're sweet, kind, amazing and you're an overall great person. I fell in love with your personality. When we started to grow older I couldn't help but also fall in love with how cute you are. Don't even get me started on your freckles I might actually end up writing three more pages but anyway I hope you accept my confession and maybe we could even become a boyfriend.

From (M/n)

I couldn't help but blush at the confession. Without even thinking I immediately ran towards his house. Once I finally got to his house I knocked wildly at the door. A stressed and nervous-looking (M/n) opened the door but when we made eye contact he attempted to close the door again.

But before he could I burst through it. He stared at me wide-eyed but I didn't care as I pulled him into my arms hugging him tightly. I pulled him back a bit before gently brushing his hair behind his ear. I cupped his face and gently smiled at him, "I read your confession letter, and I would love to be your boyfriend"

His eyes seemed to go even wider and a blush settled on his cheeks. I smiled a bit and my eyes traveled down from his eyes to his lips before I looked up at his eyes again, he seemed to understand and nodded his head ever so slightly. I leaned down and kissed him ever so softly. It was as if the world stopped for both of us but this was amazing.

We pulled apart before we leaned our foreheads together our breaths mingling.

"I like you so so much (M/n)"

"I like you too Yams".

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This one was cute. I love you my sweet potatoes

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