C.S~ Kuroo

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Character: Kuroo Tetsurou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Yeah you suck
Request: _star-kid_

(Third pov)

It was a nice Saturday afternoon where the Nekoma volleyball team met up to have some 'bonding time'. Their had coach suggested that every Saturday they did something new as a team. And this time it was Lev's turn to pick.

The entire team wanted nothing to do with letting Lev pick the activity but in the end, their coach forced them to go along with Lev the activity he had chosen. They all followed behind him as he tried to keep quiet, the entire team was thinking of ways to get Lev to tell them where he was taking them but unfortunately for them, it wasn't going well.

After a while they just let it go and began looking around at all the Christmas decorations and the snow and the happy people and couples. They were all nervous but were in a calm mood except for one person, Kuroo. He can't help but let his mind fill with different thoughts as he stared at the couples. The only thing that was running through his mind was, 'Will I ever have someone to spend the holidays with?'

Just as he was going to let his mind wander off Lev suddenly turned towards the team and yelled, "We're here". They all stared at the building in front of them and then back at Lev. He took them to the freaking ice skating rink. They all sorta glared at Lev because they didn't want to admit that his chosen activity was good.

(Kuroo pov)

We all followed Lev as he practically shaking from excitement. He walked over to the desk and spoke to the person before waving us over and speaking, "Okay so tell them your size and put them on then come to me, I'll be standing over there." He pointed over at door and we all nodded our heads and did as he told us. Once I finished I noticed that people were going in through another door to the public rink which made me confused.

Once we stood in front of Lev I spoke up, "Lev where are you taking us? I'm seeing everyone going through that door." He looked over at the door I was pointing at before laughing a bit before speaking, "I got us a private rink." Everyone's jaws dropped and we wearily followed behind Lev.

Before we walked through the door to the gym Lev turned back to us and put a finger up to his mouth before quietly speaking, "Someone I know is in there and I don't want them to fall from being scared. So be quiet and just watch the magic." We all looked at each other before we walked through the door that Lev opened up.

Once I walked in I couldn't help but let my jaw drop at the beauty that was ice skating. I watched his performance and it was like love at first sight.

I couldn't help but notice that he had his eyes closed while dancing and a small smile on his face. Once he finished Lev spoke up, "(M/N) I'M HERE" We all stared at Lev and also watched as the guy whose name is apparently (M/n) skate over to where we were standing. "Hi Lev, are these your teammates" He nodded his head and then (M/n) turned to us, "Hello I'm Lev's cousin, Haiba (M/n). It's nice to finally meet you. You guys can go ahead and come on the ice." I watched as everyone began making their way onto the rink and I couldn't help but look at the ice in pure fear.

I heard someone clear them throat beside me making me snap my head over to the person, only to realize it was (M/n), "Are you going to ice skate?" I blushed a bit before nodding my head. Just as I was about to step on the ice he grabbed my arm, "You know you don't have to force yourself to ice skate if you're scared" I gave him a charming smile before speaking, "I can skate. There's no way I suck at ice skating. If Lev can do it so can I." He raised an eyebrow in doubt, "Okay how about this? If I last at least one minute without falling can I take you on a date?" He smiled a bit before nodding his head, "Sure"

As soon as I stepped onto the ice I was surprised that I didn't fall but just as I was about to celebrate I fell straight on my ass. I heard a giggle come up from above me, I opened my eyes, which I had shut once I was falling and to my surprise, there was (M/n) smiling down at me, "Yeah you do suck. But since you're cute and made me laugh, I'll take your offer on that date."

I cheered and he helped me up before we spent the rest of the afternoon skating together much to the dismay of Lev.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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