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Character: Ushijima Wakatoshi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Turn back

(M/n pov)

I was relaxing at home when suddenly Tendou called me and told me that I needed to go to the school's gym but when I asked him why he didn't answer me and simply hung up. Now I'm running as fast as my legs and lungs can take me considering that the most amount of exercise I do is walking from my room to the refrigerator. As I ran there I couldn't help but come up with the craziest ideas as to why Tendou would call me. The main thing I could think of was that my boyfriend, Ushijima, got hurt while practicing.

Finally arriving at the gym door I slammed it open. All eyes were on me as I shakily took a step inside knowing that if I rushed my legs they'll give out on me. Looking around the gym nothing seems out of the ordinary. I spoke up, sounding very out of breath, "Tendou why'd you call me everything seems to be fine here?" He scratched the back of his nervously before speaking, "Well you see (n/n)-chan the problem isn't here right now. He'll be back in a second." I tilted my bead before Tendou grabbed my arm and sat me down on one of the benches. "The problem is currently with Semisemi and just saying you might want to stay on that seat."

After what felt like forever Tendou got a massage that Semi was on his way back. I heard one of the gym doors open so I looked over and my eyes widen at the sight. Semi walked through the door with a child who looked a whole like Ushijima on his hip eating ice cream. Semi looked at me before speaking up, "Ushijima look it's (M/n)." The kid's head snapped up before he wiggled a bit before Semi set him down on the floor. The kid ran over before looking at me with bright green eyes. I stare at him before he settled himself next to me. I looked over at the rest of the team. "Um, whose kid is this?"

"Umm (M/n) that's your boyfriend. Ushijima suddenly turned into a kid in the middle of practice" Tendou said. "I'd blame the weird author if anything" (STFU TENDOU NOBODY ASKED) I tilted my head in confusion before looking at the boy once again. "So what you're telling me this kid is Ushijima Wakatoshi and he was randomly turned into a child?" They all nodded their heads before I felt a sticky hand touch mine. I looked down at the hand before looking at Ushijima. "Yes Ushi, what can I do for you?" "I would like some Hayashi Rice please"

I sighed before nodding my head a bit and looking over at the rest of the guys, "I'm gonna go buy Ushi some Hayashi Rice" I said standing up but Ushijima grabbed my hand before speaking, "No I want you to make it for me" he said stomping his foot a bit. I silently groaned before picking him up and putting him on my hip. "I'll take him to my house to take care of him and to make him dinner. They all nodded their heads and let me go.

Arriving at my house I could tell he was excited older Ushijima has never been to my house before because every time I asked him to come over he claimed that if he came over he wouldn't be able to control himself or something like that. Walking through my front door I took off my shoes and his before bringing him towards the kitchen. He looked around my house with big curious eyes which made me smile. Sitting him down on the barstool I got to cooking the rice humming a small tune while doing so.

"What song is that?" Ushijima asked making me look over at him. "Umm, it's just a song that my mom sang to me when I was younger. I thought you'd like it" I said awkwardly. He stared at me before nodding his head. After a bit, I finished the rice before giving it to him with some beef. He thanked me for the food before beginning to eat it. I couldn't help but notice that he was attempting to eat with his right hand which made me frown. "Ushi you can eat with your left hand I know it's a lot more comfortable for you. I won't get mad at you." He stared at me before giving me a small smile and proceeding to eat with his left hand. After we finished eating I told him to bathe and after he was done I did the same.

We laid on my bed away from each other since he was a child. "Goodnight Ushijima" "Night night (M/n)"

(Time skip till morning brought to you by a $1 potato taco from taco bell)

Waking up I couldn't help but notice the warmth I was feeling and that the pillow I was laying very much had a heartbeat making my eyes snap open in pure surprise. Looking up I see Ushijima and that he was no longer a child. I let out a breath of relief before I felt him move before he opened his eyes and looked down at me with a charming smile on his face. "Morning (M/n)" I smack his chest out of embarrassment before speaking up, "Good morning Ushi I'm glad to see you turned back to normal" he hugged me closer to him before speaking, "Sorry you had to take care of me" "It's fine I did it cause I love you" "I love you too my flower"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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