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Character: Tetsuro Kuroo
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Lil' one
Request: N/a

(M/n pov)

I silently cry as I stare down at the pregnancy test in my hand. I truly can't believe it. I'm actually pregnant. I knew the last couple days I wasn't feeling like myself. But the real question is if Kuroo is going to want the baby too.

I know he'd never leave me but we just graduated college and we are still young and in our 20s. Oh my God what if he says he doesn't want it?

And with that I cry a bit harder. Thank God Kuroo was out buying groceries. I take a deep breath and with shaking hands I grab my phone.

Ring ring rin-



"M/n? Is everything okay, why do you sound like you were crying? Was it Kuroo do I have to beat his ass" (Kenma said im part of the (m/n) protection squad)

"Kenma I don't know what to do. I just found out I was positive after taking a pregnancy test. I don't know how to tell Kuroo. What if he leaves me? Oh God what if he thinks I'm weird cause I got pregnant? What if-" I was cut off by Kenma

"Calm down (m/n), Kuroo would never leave you or think you're weird. Plus I know for a fact Kuroo would be extremely happy to start a family with you. I mean after a year since you guys started dating, he was talking about how you were literally the best thing that happened to him and that he couldn't wait till you guys could finally get married and have kids of your own. Now I'm going to hang up and go back to playing animal crossing. Take a deep breath, sit him down and then tell him. And I'm only telling you to sit him down because I know he will faint."

"O-okay Kenma thank you"

"No problem"

And with that he hung up.

I took a deep breath and sat down in the couch waiting for Kuroo.

*Time skip brought to you by Bokuto in a tutu*

I hear the door open and Kuroo walk in. "Hey chibi-chan, let me put these away so that we can cuddle and watch movies" once he finishes the groceries he walks over to me.

"Chibi-ch-, hey hey hey, what's wrong? Why do you look like you've been crying?"

I take a deep breath. "Kuroo please take a seat" he looks scared and worried about what I was going to say but does as I ask.

"What is it chibi-chan?"

Taking another big breath in, I say "Kuroo I have something to tell you, just promise me first that you won't hate me"

He grabs my hands. "Chibi-chan, you are the love of my life I could never hate you"

"Kuroo, I'm pregnant" I mumble the last bit. "Please speak up love I couldn't hear you" "Kuroo, I'm pregnant with your child"

It seems like everything paused in that moment. I waited for Kuroo to say something. "Oh thank God, I thought you were going to say you were breaking up with me but you only said you're pregnant with my chi-" he paused and his eyes went wide and with that he fainted. "Kuroo!?!"

*another time skip*

I hear Kuroo groan as he wakes up. He rubs his eyes and he chuckles "Chibi-chan, I had the oddest dream. In which you told me that you were pregnant and I fainted" "Um Kuroo, that wasn't a dream. I actually am pregnant"

With wide eyes he quickly stands up and gently stands me up too, still holding my hands he says, "Are you being serious? Like are you seriously pregnant with my baby?" I nod my head and I look up at his face only to see tears in the corner of his eyes.

He smiles so bright that it almost blinding along with tears in his eyes, he picks me up gently and spins me around. "I love you so freaking much thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a father" he pecks my lips and sets me down and goes on his knees.

"Hey, lil' one I'm your daddy. Please don't give your mommy too much trouble while in there, okay? Once you come out and get old enough ill teach you how to play volleyball. I won't care if you're a boy or girl, I'll teach you anyway. I also promise to love you and your mommy unconditionally"

With that he looks back up at me and we smile at each other happily.


I hope you guys enjoyed. I tried something new. Umm please leave more request here. I'm kinda bored and want new things to write thank you. I love you sweet potatoes❤

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