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Character: Atsumu Miya
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You'll be great
Request: fanficz0z
*Aged up*

(M/n pov)

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner for Atsumu and I. Honestly, he could've been the one to make dinner but the last time I let him in the kitchen he almost burnt the house down. I let out a small sigh before letting my mind wander off.

'Would Atsumu want to adopt a kid with me? I mean if he did, the kids would have to call him papa since he is the bottom in this relationship. I might just ask him and hope that he agrees. I mean we have been married for two years and have been together for six years. That's it I'm going to ask him.' Once I finished making dinner I called Atsumu downstairs to eat.

I set the table and looked over at Atsumu when I heard his footsteps. I smile as I see him in my hoodie, a pair of shorts. He walked over to me and pecked my lips before sitting down. After about five minutes of us quietly eating, I decided to speak up. "Hey love, can I ask you a question?" "You already did," he said.

I stare at him with no emotion on my face as he burst out laughing. "I'm being serious here love" "Okay okay sorry go ahead and ask," he said after calming down. "So you know we have been together for six years now and those have been the best years of my life" I gently grab his hand and rub my thumb on it. "And we have always talked about doing things when we felt ready and well I wanted to know if you were ready to adopt with me. You don't have to if you don't want to. I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about having a child with you."

He stared at me wide-eyed before sputtering out a bunch of nonsense. I gently grab his face and peck his lips, "Calm down baby, take your time in answering the question" I state with a small reassuring smile.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in before opening them back up. He laid his right hand on top of mine before speaking up, "I would like to adopt with you. I was thinking about this too but then I realized that maybe just maybe I wouldn't even be a good dad. And I'm so so worried that my child won't even like me."

I gently caressed his face with my thumb before speaking up, "Baby trust me when I tell you that you will be the best dad ever. Yes, you might be childish at times but that just means that you and our future child will get along perfectly. And I don't only think you'll be a good dad, I know you will so have some faith in yourself love." He stared at me and I stared back. I leaned in and gently pecked his lips.

"I love you so so much baby," I say to him with a gentle smile on my face.

"I love you too and thank you for the reassurance," he said smiling back. We touch our foreheads together.

'Yeah you'll be a great dad' is my only thought.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This one felt cute idk why but yeah. Anyways I love you my sweet potatoes muah

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