Nishinoya pt.2

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Character: Nishinoya Yuu
Type: Fluffy Smut💦
Story Name: I love you for you
Request: Kitsune_secret

(Third pov)

"How about I show you how much I love you?"

Nishinoya gently laid (M/n) on his back before putting a hand on his cheek and gently caressing it. Noya leaned up and pecked (M/n) forehead, cheek, eyelid, nose, and last but not least his lips. The kiss wasn't rushed or anything it was quite soft and full of love.

Noya broke the kiss before gently pecking the butterfly kisses down (M/n) neck. (M/n) couldn't help but moan a bit in response. Noya took (M/n) shirt before he continued to kiss down his body. As Noya got down to the waistband of his pants he looked up at (M/n) silently asking for permission, (M/n) nodded his head with a big blush on his face.

Noya smiled cheekily before pulling down (M/n) pants and underwear. (M/n) whined a bit before gently tugging in Noya's shirt tears of embarrassment going down his face. Noya chuckled a bit before pulling his shirt. Noya grabbed his legs before gently pressing kisses on each of his thighs.

Noya smirked as (M/n) moaned a whined at the bare minimum he was doing. Noya went ahead and leaned towards his quivering hole before licking the rim just a bit. (M/n) hands were quick to snap towards Noya's hair with a loud moan.

Noya gently separated his cheeks and stuck his tongue inside of the quivering hole, he added a finger after a while and by the end, he had three fingers inside his lover. Once Noya made sure he was well prepared he stood upon his knees and gently rubbed his tip against his lover causing (M/n) to moan out, "Please Noya hurry" "Sh baby boy it's okay, I'm not rushing tonight I want to make love to you" Noya grabbed (M/n) hand before slowly thrusting in.

(M/n) didn't know what it was but the slow pace that Noya was doing was making him 10x more sensitive. He was moaning louder than ever causing Noya to smirk. This went on for an hour of slow thrust and just them being connected. Noya decided that he wanted to cum and also wanted (M/n) to cum so he speeds up his thrust causing him to grunt and (M/n) to moan at the sudden increase of speed.

"I-im close Noya, please" "Me too baby boy. Let's do it together" Noya kept going harder and faster. (M/n) came all over his stomach and just as Noya was about to cum he pulled out and jerked himself off and came all over (M/n) stomach.

They both were left breathing heavily. Noya got up and went ahead and went to the bathroom to grab a wet rag. Coming back to (M/n) he wiped all the cum off him before pecking his forehead before returning the rag into the bathroom. Once he got back to (M/n) he gently grabbed the blanket and pulled it over (M/n) and himself. (M/n) was quick to cuddle into Noya a small satisfied smile on his face.

Noya put two fingers under (M/n) chin and pecked his lips before speaking, "I love you for you and I never want you to forget that my love" (M/n) smiled and nodded his head.

With that, the couple went ahead and went to sleep and Noya stopped helping Tanaka with trying to get with Kiyoko.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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