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Character: Oikawa Tooru
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Kill me now
*Soulmate AU*
*A bit longer*

(M/n pov)

It was my birthday a couple of days ago which meant that I could finally speak to my soulmate if she or he was also eighteen. I looked down at my arm when I felt a tingling sensation on it only to see that my soulmate had started drawing on their arm. I couldn't help but smile a bit even though I was in the middle of class and most people knew me as the blunt, emotionless guy from the photography club. I continued looking down at my arm until they had stopped drawing. Deciding that I might as well make it known to them that I can finally talk to them I went ahead and wrote a simple 'Hi'.

It wasn't long until I got a response which read, 'Oh my God... Hiiiii I'm guessing you're my soulmate it's nice to finally speak to you.' I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows in frustration at the thought that my soulmate might be a girl from the way they're writing. I don't mind girls but I'm too gay for them. 'Umm sorry to ask but what's your gender, cause I'm a dude' they were quick to reply with, 'I'm a dude too. Is that okay with you? Cause I'm okay with you being a guy' 'I'm fine with it too' before I could write anything else I heard the school bell ring signaling that it was the end of the day and that after-school clubs could start.

I stood up and pulled my sleeve down before walking towards the photography club. Once there they told me they needed me to take pictures of the school garden since it had just been done. I agreed and grabbed my camera before heading there. As I got closer I noticed that there was a bit of commotion and that's when I realized the person who I despise the most, Oikawa Tooru, was standing by the garden in his volleyball uniform getting hyped up and praised by his fangirls. It's not that I necessarily hate him it's just that every time I need to take pictures of someplace he's there along with all his annoying ass fangirls.

I internally groaned before continuing to walk towards a more secluded part of the park completely missing the look of sadness that Oikawa had on his face when he had missed another chance to talk to me. I looked down at some of the flowers before beginning to take pictures. I couldn't help but smile a bit at how pretty they were. It wasn't long before I heard the commotion again and there stood Oikawa seemingly trying to get his fangirls to go away. I just rolled my eyes before taking a few more pictures before walking back towards my club.

(Oikawa pov)

I couldn't help but pout a bit as I watched (M/n) walk off before I got the chance to talk to him. I have the biggest crush on him and every single time I have tried speaking to him my fangirls would hey in the way and I wouldn't even get the chance to say anything to him. I internally groan before walking towards the gym silently promising that I was going to talk to him tomorrow. But on the good note soulmate finally contacted me meaning that there could still be a possibility that it's (M/n) I'm just praying to the gods above at this point.

It wasn't long until I spoke to my soulmate again and tried to talk to (M/n) again but it felt like every time I was close to speaking to him I got interrupted by something and every time I was close to finally meeting my soulmate things got in the way. At some point I gave up cause I felt like maybe this was a punishment for the way I acted towards people but I couldn't help but still hold on to some hope that one day I'll be able to not only speak to (M/n), I'll also be able to meet my soulmate whom I've also come to love after getting to know them but I just couldn't help but feel like my soulmate might be (M/n).

(M/n pov)

It's been a couple of weeks since I started speaking to my soulmate and I couldn't help but feel like they were meant for me. They're the complete opposite of me. They're fun, energetic, kinda narcissistic but in a cute way, and outgoing. I couldn't help but smile a bit at the thought of my soulmate as I made my way towards my club. Once there I saw all of the members looking extremely worried about something, "What's wrong?" They all flinched before looking at me and one of them spoke, "W-well umm the volleyball coach came by our club and asked which one of us was the best photographer and we may or may not have said that it was you and he told us to tell you to grab your camera and go to the gym because they need their pictures taken" I stared at them before growling a bit and grabbing my camera.

I knew that if I didn't go that I could get one of the members knocking at our club door to try and convince me to go there and that it could be Oikawa. Approaching the gym door I pulled down my sleeve to hide the full sleeve of drawing I had created on myself earlier because my soulmate had found out I could draw. Opening the door I couldn't help but smile a bit when I saw the team wasn't practicing. Fully stepping inside I made eye contact with the coach who just smirked at me making me roll my eyes. "Glad to see you came boy, you can start by taking pictures of the gym if you wish" I nodded my head before taking my camera out.

I began to take pictures about 10 minutes into taking pictures I heard the gym door slam open and a bunch of commotion making me realize that the members finally arrived. I ignored them as the coach yelled at them to get ready for practice. I continued to take pictures before I heard someone yell, someone else screams, and then running footsteps. I watched with a raised eyebrow as Oikawa ran out of the changing room Iwaizumi running behind him. "Ya, what's going on?" Iwaizumi turned towards the coach before pointing an accusing finger at Oikawa and speaking, "He has a bunch of drawing on his arm" the coach turned to glare at Oikawa which made him chuckle nervously, "Let me see" Oikawa looked down at the floor before removing the shirt he was holding against his arm.

Getting a full look at his arm I almost dropped my camera when I noticed that it had drawings all over it that looked just like mine. Everything was so quiet in the gym that you could hear a pin drop. Before the coach could say anything I groaned before walking over to Oikawa and grabbing his arm and pulling him towards three bathrooms. He kept trying to ask what I was doing but I completely ignored him before I went ahead and shoved him inside of the bathroom. He looked at me as I pulled up my sleeve. He looked at my arm before looking back at his. His eyes widened before he jumped on top of me. "I knew it!! You are my soulmate" I stared at him before he leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

We pulled apart before I set him back on the floor before I began washing my arm. "I guess you're my soulmate, huh?" He nodded his head with a bright smile. I rolled my eyes before smiling a bit, "I see you smiling, (M/n)-kun~" I glared at him before sighing a bit, "Kill me now. I just know you're going to be hella annoying" he pouted which made me chuckle a bit. I pecked his lips before walking out leaving him there with a big blush on his face.

'Can't believe I got him as my soulmate' I thought with a small smile on my lips.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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