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Character: Oikawa Tooru
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: You'll always have my heart

(M/n pov)

"Hey (L/n), you doing okay?" I looked over to see Iwaizumi staring at me with worry written all over his face. I let out a soft sigh before pointing over at the guy who is supposed to be my alpha before speaking, "We were supposed to be going on a dare but I guess he got caught up with his fangirls." Iwaizumi proceeded to glare in his direction before he pulled up his sleeves and hot ready to fight Oikawa. I gently rest my hand on his shoulder making him look at me almost immediately, "It's fine. I'm used to it though I doubt my getting used to it is a good thing"

He stared at me for a second before sighing a bit, "What are you going to do now?" I shrugged a bit, "I mean I can't break it off with his because we're already marked, mates. Meaning that we can't even be with other people. And well honestly I just want to see how long it takes him to realize that he doesn't have me by his side anymore" He tilted his head in confusion before seemingly asking me to elaborate with his eyes, "Ah well you see I have to go see my sick grandmother for the next week and well I won't be coming to school." He nodded his head in understanding before I remembered that I had to give him something.

"There's no wifi at my grandma's house but she does have a home phone here's the number," I state before handing a piece of paper to Iwaizumi. "Do me a favor and give it to Oikawa when he finally realizes that I'm not around and asks for a way to contact me." He nodded his head before ruffling my hair. I giggled a bit before I grabbed my stuff and began walking home to pack my stuff to go to my grandma's house.

*time skip*

(Oikawa pov)

Currently, I was at practice and I felt like something was missing but I couldn't place my finger on it. It's been about three days since I've felt like something was missing. "Hey Shittykawa, I have a question for ya?" I heard Maddog-chan say, more like yell from where he was sitting, immediately catching the attention of everyone in the gym. "Where the fuck is the cool guy who always came to practice with you? I'm pretty sure he was your omega" My eyes widened when I realized (M/n)-chan is the thing or more like the person who's been missing these last few days. I quickly grabbed my phone and began to try and call him but he wouldn't answer his phone I got sent to voicemail each time.

"IWA-CHAN, (M/N) HAS GONE MISSING AND HE WON'T ANSWER HIS PHONE" He laughed evilly at my predicament before he spoke up, "Now you realize he isn't around Shittykawa. He hasn't come to school the last three days and he's taking care of his grandma." I stared at him before I spoke up, "Please Iwa-chan tell me a way for me to be able to contact him" He rolled his eyes before handing me a piece of paper. I grabbed it along with my phone before running outside. I typed in the number before pressing the call button and waiting for someone to answer it.

*ring ring ri-*

"Hello?" "(M/n)-chan it's Oikawa" there was a pause on the other side before he spoke up, "Ah I see. What do you want?" "(M/n) I swear I'm sorry. I didn't mean for me to call you to take this long. I realize that I don't give you enough attention or even pay attention to you at all. I noticed how without you by my side it feels like something is missing. I promise if you come back to me I'll treat you better.  I know I might not say this enough or maybe I haven't said it at all but you'll always have my heart. And I love you with everything I have in me. I'm just insecure cause I know there could be a better alpha out there for you but at the end of the day, you chose me. So please forgive me."

Everything was quiet before I heard him giggle, "You worry too much Tooru, I love you with all my heart too plus we are fated, mates. Why would I ever give up on us? And I'm not staying here forever I'm coming back in less than four days so don't worry. We can talk it all out when I come back." I let out a sigh, "Promise?" "I promise Tooru" "Okay I love you a lot." "I love you too see you in a bit" and with that, we hung up.

'I swear that I will be a better alpha for you (M/n)' I thought while looking down at the phone.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry again for the spam yesterday. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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