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Character: Kinoshita Hasashi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I've always liked you
Request: ReddHeart1

(M/n pov)

I let out a sigh as I finally make it into my club room. As soon as I walked in all eyes were on me and the sensei walked up to me with a bright smile on her face. "Glad to see you're here. I have a question?" "Yes, Sensei?" I said in a confused and questioning tone.

"(L/n), can you sing? Because the rest of the guys here have informed me that they have heard you sing before." I blushed a bit before I slowly nod my head. She clapped her hands and spoke up, "Great you'll be having a solo performance"

My jaw was quick to drop and before I could say anything she spoke up again, "You can pick whatever song you want" she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Maybe you can pick a song to confess to the person you always write the name of in your notebook" I blushed bright red as the teacher laughed at my reaction.

With a soft sigh, I began to think about which song would be good to sing. I couldn't think of anything but so soon my phone began to ring. Looking down I saw that Kinoshita was calling me.


"(M/n) where are you?" He asked.

"I'm at my club, why Hasa?" I asked

"Oh, I have your notebook that has all of your favorite songs" I gasp slightly but was quick to tell him that I'll pick it up later and hang up.

After the club finished I went to the front gate since that's where Kinoshita asked me to meet him. As I saw him in the distance I called out to him. He looked up at me and smiled brightly at me. Once I was close enough he pulled out my notebook and held it out to me.

I was quick to grab it and hold it close to my chest. "You seem happy (M/n), anything good happened?" He asked, I smiled a bit before speaking, "I got chosen to do a solo performance for my choir and I can't choose which song to do." He smiled at me before speaking, "I know you'll choose the song that speaks to you the most, and I know you're performance will be amazing. And if you want I could come and see it." I nodded my head in agreement.

And with that, we went out separate ways. Once I got home I looked through my notebook and finally decided on the perfect song and with that, I began my two-month-long practice to perform in front of my childhood best friend and crush.

*time skip*

(Kinoshita pov)

It was the night of (M/n) solo performance. I knew he was nervous but I wasn't around to visit him before his performance. The choir teacher came out and introduced the last performance of the day as (M/n) I immediately got excited and felt on the edge of my seat.

(M/n) came out and spoke into the microphone, "Hello my name (L/n) (M/n) if you don't know me. The song I will be singing is dedicated to my childhood best friend I hope you enjoy it."

(Play song)

I was quick to leave and look for (M/n) after his performance. I found him sitting beside a fountain. Sitting next to him he looked up at me with a big blush. "Do you like me?" I couldn't help but ask. He nodded his head while looking at the ground

I gently grabbed his face and made him look at me. As we were staring at each other I couldn't help but peck his lips. He gasped and blushed bright red while I just chuckled.

"I've always liked you too (M/n). I just never found the courage to tell you." I smiled down at him and he smiled back at me.

And that how our relationship happy and amazing relationship started.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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