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Character: Aone Takanobu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Pretty
*Fantasy AU*

(M/n pov)

"Papa, papa tell us again how you and daddy met?" I heard Rose and Pearl ask simultaneously. I hummed a bit before patting the bed silently telling them to sit on it. "Alright, you guys better get ready. I'm going to tell you how your daddy and I met. For what feels like the hundredth time" I whispered out.


"(M/n)?" I heard my father say, "Yes father?" I said as I swam towards his throne. I sat down next to him before I laid my head on his tail. He gently began playing with my hair before he spoke up, "Since your coming of age ceremony was a couple of days ago. I think it's time I told you that every time a crown prince or princess becomes of age they get a special necklace that allows them to grow legs as long as they don't touch the water." I stared at him with sparkles in my eyes. "Are you serious papa? You're not lying to me right" he chuckled before nodding his head. He snapped his finger and almost immediately one of our maids came and handed a box to my father.

He opened the box and there was the most beautiful pearl necklace. He grabbed it before silently telling me to turn around. I did so and he gently put the necklace on me. I turned back towards him gently laying my hands on the necklace. "Papa, may I go to the surface now?" He nodded his head before speaking up, "When you get to the surface you must wish to have legs. And don't worry about clothes they come with the legs." I nodded my head before I began swimming away. "Bye-bye papa." I finally made it to the surface. So I stuck my head out of the water before looking around, I gasped and ducked into the water again enough to where only my eyes were showing.

I tilt my head in confusion and curiosity as I see a white-haired boy sitting by himself on the beach. I watched as some people walked in his direction before running off looking scared. I frowned a bit seeing the sad look on his face. I swam closer to the shore before whispering out, "I wish to have legs." I could feel my tail tingling before there was a bit of light. I looked down and saw that I had legs. I attempted to stand up but ended up falling. I continued to try and stand up but I just kept falling. I sighed as I fell for what felt like the hundredth time. Suddenly I saw a hand extended in my direction. Looking up I saw the white-haired guy from before except he's looking away while biting his bottom lip nervously.

I smiled a bit before grabbing his hand. He helped me stand up and held me up when I almost fell again. He looked a bit panicked before I simply giggled immediately making him relax. "Thank you for helping me out," I said as he helped me out of the water. He hummed while still holding me up, "I'm (M/n) (L/n), and you are?" He stared at me in pure surprise before giving me the smallest smile, "I'm Takanobu Aone" I smiled "It's nice to meet you Nobu-san" We began walking down the beach while getting to know each other. Though it was more of me asking him questions and him humming in agreement out in disagreement.

"Prince Aone your father is requesting your presence" We heard someone say I gasped before looking over at Takanobu. "You're a prince?" I asked to which he blushed a bit and nodded his head. "No way me too" he tilted his head in confusion. I pointed at the water before speaking up, "I'm the crown prince of the kingdom of the mermaids." He looked at me in surprise but before he could say anything his massager told him he needed to come to meet his father. I smiled and walked over to the water, "Bye-bye Nobu-san" I waved to him. Before I closed my eyes and wished to have my tail. I looked up at Takanobu as his eyes grew wide, "Pretty" he whispered out as he pointed at my tail. "Why thank you" he blushed and just before I turned around to swim back home I heard him yell, "Please come back to visit me. I'll show you around town." I smiled brightly before nodding my head and swimming off back to my castle.

~Flashback end~

"And then I met up with your father a couple more times before he finally dared to ask me out. Not long after we got married and united the land and the sea. And now we're here with you two" I said kissing their noses afterward. "I hope I find a love like you and daddy," said Rose "No way you're far too young to be thinking about love" our heads snapped over to the door where Takanobu stood with a fake frown on his face. "BUT DADDY!!" The girls screamed. I giggled while Takanobu walked towards us before kissing them on their forehead. He then pecked my lips making the girls squeal and cover their eyes. He hugged all of us before he whispered, "I love you guys so much" "We love you too daddy/Nobu" we said.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Osamu Miya (Mpreg/Parent AU)

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