Daichi x Suga

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Character: Daichi Sawamura & Sugawara Koushi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Our tall baby
*The reader is taller than the characters*

(Third pov)

The team watched with confusion on their faces as Daichi and Suga spoke among themselves with bright smiles on their faces. The team knew them as some of the most positive people on the team but seeing them today just made them even more confused because they looked as if they had just witnessed something indescribable and the fact that they look so happy worried the team. With a small smile on their faces, they turn towards the team before Daichi spoke up, "Guys, someone very important to Suga and I is coming so please be on your best behavior and tries to keep your comments to yourself"

Even though the team was very confused they just not at their heads in agreement. Once Daichi and Suga were satisfied with the response that they got they went back to talking amongst themselves as they waited for their longtime lover to arrive at the gym. They were both extremely excited seeing as though they had seen their lover since he had left to study abroad. This would be the first time they see him in over a year and a half, even though they were together often and could only call every once in a while the relationship was still strong as ever.

Another 20 minutes passed before there was a slight creaking coming from the gym door. Everyone looked over at the door to see who was coming in and to their surprise, it was an extremely tall boy with a small blush on his cheeks. From what the team could tell the boy was about 6'7 and in reality, it was startling to all of them just how tall is boy was. They watched as Daichi and Suga ran towards the boy and gave him a double hug. The blush on the boy's face just increased to the point where he looked like a strawberry.

Daichi and Suga each grabbed one of the hands of the boy before pulling him in front of their team. "Guys meet our lover, (L/n) (M/n). Please be nice to him" Suga said before the boy they now know as (M/n) bowed. The team looked shocked and didn't say anything at all which caused (M/n) to get nervous and accidentally squeeze his lover's hands. They were both quick to squeeze his hands back as some reassurance. The team finally snapped out of their state of shock before they began introducing themselves and congratulate their captain and vice-captain on their relationship. They had told (M/n) to sit down on a bench to wait for them to come out of practice.

*time skip*

It was not after practice and the team had decided to all stay inside the gym and get to know each other. The team was with praying eyes as the tall boy sent himself on top of Daichi and nuzzle his face towards Daichi's neck. Suga was quick to gently rub the boy back as some sort of comfort to which the boy seemed to purr. They all turned their heads towards Tsukishima as they heard him speak up, "Is he the bottom in the relationship? Because from the way he's sitting on your lap captain and the fact he's so shy I doubt he is the top." Daichi and Suga glared at Tsukishima but he wasn't affected by it seeing as though he still had a teasing smirk on his face. "I don't see how our sex life is any of YOUR business Tsukishima. Just because you can't get any doesn't mean you can come for (M/n)." Suga said before signaling Daichi and (M/n) silently telling them he wanted to leave.

With no more words spilled between them and the team they got up and left. Once they had arrived back at Daichi's house the tops in a relationship were quick to cuddle their baby boy. Suga was quick to play with (M/n) hair before speaking, "Listen, darling, don't go overthinking what Tsukishima said. You're perfect just the way you are." The boy simply nodded his head before snuggling his head into Daichi's head. Daichi and Suga looked down at their lover with small smiles on their faces as they came to terms with the fact that their baby boy was back.

'So glad we have our tall baby back' they thought before cuddling closer sandwiching the boy in between them.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes

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