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Character: Tendou Satori
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: All mine

(M/n pov)

I hummed a bit as I rubbed my tummy with cream while Tendou rubbed my legs. I stared down at him before smiling softly, "Tori do you know how much I love you?" He stared up at me in pure surprise. "I know you love me paradise but I don't know how much you love me" I giggled as he stared at me with giant puppy eyes. I hummed a bit before gently grabbing his face, "Hmm I love your soft short red hair, your beautiful and gentle dark red eyes. I love the obsession you have for Shōnen Jump, I find it endearing when you read the mangas to our baby. I love how you always bring home some of the chocolate you make at work, it makes me happy that you're always thinking about me. I love you for your kindness, caring, and loving self. And I'm glad that I said yes to you all those years ago to date you. I'm even more glad that I said yes to marrying you and getting the chance to start a beautiful family with you."

He continued to stare at me before he leaned towards me and began leaving a bunch of kisses all over me. A kiss on my forehead to show that he cares about me. A kiss on each of my eyelids to show that he's close to me. A kiss on the nose to signify that he finds me cute. A kiss on my collarbone to signify that he finds me sexy. A kiss to my wrist signifying that he thinks I'm awesome. A kiss to the palm of my hand signifying that he trusts me and last but not least a kiss on my lips signifying that he loves me wholeheartedly. We break apart from the kiss when his phone rang. He groaned loudly before walking over to it and picking it up and answering it.

After what felt like forever but was only five minutes he came back with a big smile on his face. "Paradise would you like to meet my ex-teammates. They just invited me to have a small reunion and since I met you after I separated from them. Sooo would you like to meet them?" I smiled before I stood up and waddled towards the bathroom, "Of course I'll go Tori. I'll shower first then." We spent the next hour and a half getting ready before we began our drive towards the meeting spot.

Once we arrived he got out of the car first before he ran over to the passenger's side before opening the door for me. I giggled a bit before getting out of the car. We interlocked hands and made our way inside the restaurant. He told the host what we were here for and the name of the person who made the reservation, she then proceeds to bring us towards a private room. She opened the door for us and inside there was a bunch of guys who looked happy to see Tendou. I hid behind him as he walked inside, "Hey guys" he yelled happily which was followed by a chorus of hello's and hey's.

"Tendou, who is that behind you?" I heard a guy with messy ah blonde hair with dark tips ask. Tendou turned around towards me before smiling brightly. He grabbed me and gently pushed me in front of him, "Guys meet my amazing husband. And the papa of my future child" as they stared at me I brought my hands up and waved slightly. They all began cheering and congratulating Tendou and me making me smile brightly. We sat down and that was the start of the long reunion filled with Tendou bragging about me leaving me to blush bright red the entire time. "Here are the thing guys" he put his arm around me before kissing my temple, "He's all mine," he said smiling brightly. I giggled and blushed bright red before nuzzling my head into his neck.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Sugawara Koushi (Mpreg)

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