Oikawa x Iwaizumi

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Character: Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy Ending☁️
Story Name: I'll be there for you two
*Time Skip Spoilers *

(M/n pov)

'Shit, shit, shit' I looked down at the pregnancy test in my hand that read positive. 'What is Oikawa going to say he just started his volleyball career playing for the Argentina national team. He just got back to spend time with his ex-teammates and me. Even though he has spent every night he's been here out, except for the first one which he spent with me' I sighed at my thoughts before I made my way towards my bedroom and hid the test away in one of my drawers before I grabbed my phone and texted Oikawa. When he didn't reply I went ahead and texted Iwaizumi who responded right away.

(M/n): Hey Iwa do you happen to know where Tooru is?

Iwa: He's actually with me right now, why?

(M/n): Oh because I texted him and he didn't reply. I need him to come to my house.

Iwa: Oh I see. I'll bring him to your house don't worry.

(M/n): Alright thanks

After finishing my conversation with him I went ahead and grabbed the test once again before putting it inside of a plastic bag. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water and then sat on the couch. While I waited I drank water and watched tv to try and suppress any bad thoughts or any feeling of nervousness. It wasn't long after my conversation with Iwaizumi that I heard a knock at my door and two voices coming from behind it. Taking a deep breath in I walked towards the door before opening it. There stood Oikawa and Iwaizumi, iwaizumi had a pissed off look on his face while Oikawa's held boredom. It took Iwaizumi a bit to get Oikawa to come to my house.

"Um please come inside" "Me as well?" Asked Iwaizumi to which I just nodded my head in response because if I spoke any more I was going to throw up. I sit them down on the couch before I grabbed two cups of water for them. I walked back to the living room before I gave them the water. They took the water while I took a seat on the opposite couch of them. "So (N/n)-chan~ why did you need me to come over?" I looked down at my hands before I took another deep breath, "Oikawa I have some news..." "Okay, please hurry up and tell me what you want to say. I want to go out to this party with Iwaizumi." My eyes teared up a bit at the treatment but I spoke up anyway, "Um w-well you s-see I'm pregnant w-with your child"

Everything went quiet for like three seconds before Oikawa stood up and glared down at me, "You are fucking disgusting. I don't want a fucking child, especially if it's with you. If you want to continue being my boyfriend I suggest you put that thing up for adop-" I smacked his face before yelling at him, "How could you possibly say that about your child. You are an asshole get the fuck out of my house and never contact me again" he scoffed before he walked towards the door, "You'll never find someone like me" "Yeah that's the point" I yelled back. He walked out of the house and slammed the front door shut.

I sat back down on the couch and began crying while holding my stomach. I suddenly felt a hand rubbing my back and I looked over to see Iwaizumi staring at me with an angry look in his eyes. "I'm sorry for him. I had no idea he was such an asshole. You don't need his ass. You are a strong, independent person who doesn't need anybody. You can take care of this baby all on your own I know you can" I looked up at him and sniffled a bit before wiping my eyes, "You're right I don't need him" he smiled lightly before speaking up again, "I'll make sure to come around once or twice a week to help you out with the baby" I smiled and nodded my head.

*time skip*

I'm in my second trimester and it's been a couple of months since what happened with Oikawa and tries to his word I haven't seen or heard from him. Also true to his word Iwaizumi has been helping me and my baby. He makes the effort to leave his work early to come to help me out even when I don't ask him to. It's like he always knows when something is wrong. I hummed a bit as I made some cookies and waited for Iwaizumi to arrive at my house. I didn't have to wait for long cause I heard the front door open. "Hey Iwa" I yelled from the kitchen. I heard his footsteps come towards me and then I heard laughter coming from him. I looked up at him and totaled my head in confusion. "You look like you got attacked my flour," he said while laughing. I pouted and went to grab a wipe but he beat me to it. He began to wipe my face and I just closed my eyes because it felt good, since he was being so gentle. Suddenly he stopped wiping my face and then preceded to pull my face towards him before he gently pecked my lips.

My eyes snapped open and we started at each other. Realization settled in for him and he began spewing apologies. I grabbed onto his shirt collar before pecking his lips again to shut him up, "Don't say sorry because I liked it and I like you" he stared at me before he pouted a bit and hugged me, "It's not fair I wanted to confess to you first but you just had to beat me to it." I giggled in response before I laid my head on his chest. "(M/n) trust me when I say I'll be there for the two of you" as he said that he put his hand on my belly which made me smile. "I know you will Iwa and thank you for that" "No problem love," he said before kissing the top of my head.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Sugawara Koushi (Soulmate AU)

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