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Character: Tanaka Ryūnosuke
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Not Jealous
Request: ReddHeart1
The reader is a femboy

(Tanaka pov)

I was shaking from excitement at the thought of finally seeing my childhood friend do one of his performances. He's never actually let me watch him practice claiming he wanted to surprise me.

"Tanaka-senpai, why do you look so excited?" My kouhai asked me. I turned towards him and smiled brighter getting ready to brag about my best friend, "My childhood best friend is performing and he invited me to go." Hinata stared at me with stars in his eyes.

"Can we come senpai, pretty please" "Well I was going to leave practice early to go but if Daichi says you can come then yes" he immediately went and asked Daichi. After listening to him Daichi spoke up, "I guess we could all go as long as it's okay with Tanaka and his friends" they all looked at me and I smiled before speaking, "Of course you guys can come."

Daichi clapped his hand to get everyone's attention before telling us to get changed. Everyone was quick to get changed but Tsukishima was complaining the whole time making us roll our eyes at him. Once we got changed we went on our way.

*Time skip*

Once we got to the performance hall I was quick to call (M/n) to meet us up at the front. "He said he'll be here in like two min" they all nodded their heads and began talking amongst themselves while I kept my eye for (M/n).

Once (M/n) came into my view I couldn't help but blush and let my eyes go wide. My eyes traveled up and down through his whole body. He looked amazing

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(You guys can pick any of these)

"Hey Ryu, glad you were able to come" I nodded my head not trusting my voice. He smiled and pointed behind me, I look behind me and seeing my teammates looking at me with teasing smiles. I blushed harder before speaking up, "Team meet (M/n), (M/n) meet my team" he smiled before speaking up. "Sorry I can't get your names right now but you can sit over there, my performance is going to be soon. I hope you guys enjoy it." He bows and walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek before running off.

I turn towards the team and see Nishinoya, Sugawara, and Ennoshita all wiggling their eyebrows at me. I blushed before making a beeline towards the seat them following behind me right after.

We waited until the announcer came out and introduced the (M/n) dance team. Once he did I started to cheer along with Noya. And with that (M/n) walked out and the music started playing.

(The reader is the blond girl)

My jaw was to the ground. I couldn't help but get upset that that person dared to touch MY best friend.

*time skip*

I waited for (M/n) to come out of the dressing room, my team has gone home after the performance. I let out a sigh and I couldn't help but get angry when I saw the guy who was touching upon (M/n). Before I could say anything to him (M/n) came out of the dressing room. I gently pulled him away from the random guy and took him somewhere more private.

"Hey Ryu, what did you think of the performance?" He asked after I brought him into a more secluded space. "It was awesome (M/n) but..." "But??" He asked. I blushed and looked away from him, "I didn't like that guy touching you"

I closed my eyes shut waiting for him to laugh at me or be disgusted but instead I felt hands touch my cheeks. I open my eyes to see (M/n) staring at me with a small smile on his face. We stared at each other before we slowly started leaning in. The space between our lips was extremely small but I was staring at him silently asking him for permission. He smiled a big before fully connecting our lips. The kiss was soft and passionate.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around his waist pulling him even closer. We broke apart and touched our foreheads together.

"I didn't think you'd be the jealous type, Ryu" I blushed and pouted a bit.

"I'm not jealous, I just like you a lot" he giggled and spoke again, "I like you too"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This one was fun. Anyway I love you my sweet potatoes

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