Cheater! Matsukawa x Oikawa

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Character: Matsukawa Issei and Oikawa Tooru
Type: Angst💔, Fluffy ending☁️
Story Name: Not worth it

(M/n pov)

Tooru✨: Heyyy (M/n), I need to talk to you about your boyfriend, can we meet at [random park]?

(N/n)💕: Oh sure. I needed to get out of the house anyway

Tooru✨: Okay I'll wait here

I dressed up in a comfortable outfit before I grabbed my phone, wallet, and my jacket. I walked out of my house before making my way towards the park. I pulled out my phone and headphones before plugging them in. While walking I couldn't help but smile a bit at all of the couples. I thought back to my boyfriend Matsukawa and I couldn't help but smile a bit. Finally arriving at the park, I began looking around for Oikawa and when I finally caught sight of him I walked towards him.

"Hey Tooru" his head snapped over to me before he smiled softly, though the smile didn't reach his eyes. "Hey (n/n)-chan," he said intending to sound cheerful. I smiled a bit, "So what was so important that you had to ask me to meet up with you. I believe you said that it was about Matsukawa. Is everything okay with him?" I asked worried for my boyfriend's health and safety. He looked at the groan seemingly collecting his thoughts before he grabbed my wrist and gently sat me down on one of the park benches. He sat down next to me and sighed softly, "Listen (M/n) I didn't want to be the one to tell you this because I don't want you to hate me but for the last couple of months Matsukawa has been cheating on you with Hanamaki."

I stared at him waiting for him to tell me it was some dumb joke that he was playing but when I saw his serious face I realized that he wasn't playing at all. "Are you sure?" I asked my voice shaking. "Yes you know I'd never lie to you" I stared at him. "Thank you for telling me this but as of right now I can't believe you. I'll find out on my own if this is true" He slowly nodded his head before he let out another sigh, "Just know I'll be here for you. Always" with that he stood up and left me sitting there alone.

I thought back to my relationship in the last few months. There were a few instances where Matsukawa did leave me hanging just to hang out with the team or Hanamaki but he's never been late to our dates or things I planned. I sighed before I got up and headed back home. Over the next couple of days, I began to watch Matsukawa closely to try and see whether or not what Oikawa was claiming was right but I didn't see any indifferent behavior from him.

*Time skip*

It's been about two weeks since Oikawa told me and I came to the conclusion that he was just trying to freak me out. I hummed a bit as I made my way towards the gym to surprise Matsukawa and the team with some pastries I made in the cooking club. Arriving at the gym I opened the door, I looked around before walking inside. The further I walked inside I heard the sound of moaning and whines. I scrunched my nose up in disgust before I walked closer to the sound out of curiosity. I turned the corner and my smile dropped along with the pastries as I witness Hanamaki and Matsukawa making out. Once they heard the pastries drop they looked over at me and their eyes went wide as they realized I had just caught them.

I gave them a strained smile before turning around and running away. I knew that if I didn't run away at that moment I would've killed both of them and would've gotten myself stuck in jail. As I ran away I ended up bumping into someone. I looked up at the person with tears in my eyes about to apologize for bumping into them only to see a sweaty Oikawa who had a worried look on his face. "Hey what's wrong?" I collapsed into his arms the rest of his team stared at me in worry but he told them to go away and that he'll talk to me. He brought me to a bench before sitting me down on it.

"(M/n) you have to tell me what's wrong" "H-he chea- I c-caught M-matsukawa a-and Hanamaki k-kissing" I whimpered out. He looked towards the gym angrily before shaking his head and grabbing my hands, "Anyone who treats you this way never was and never will be worth it. You are what most would call a diamond in the rough. (M/n) you mean the entire world to me. Heck, you are my world. Matsukawa gave you up so easily and I don't know how or why but if you give me a chance I'll treat you better than him and I'll show you that you are worth so much more" I stared at him, 'Not worth it, he's right Mastukawa isn't worth my tears.' I wiped my face and hugged Oikawa, "Thank you for always being there for me Tooru." "I'll always be here for you silly"

(Third pov)

And true to his word, Oikawa stayed by (M/n). They spent the first couple of months talking before Oikawa asked (M/n) out to which he said yes too. It was now a couple of years later and there stood (M/n) with his hand raised towards his fiancée who was on the court. "Play at 110% for me" "Always my love" yelled Oikawa back.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Brother!Sugawara Koushi x Tsukishima Kei

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