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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Smut💦
Story Name: Um happy birthday?

(M/n pov)

"Iwa hurry up and finish getting ready. I don't want to hear Oikawa's loud mouth asking us why we were late to his birthday sleepover thing." "I'm coming jeez shut your trap already" I watched him come down the stairs with a raised eyebrow. He walked up to me and I harshly grabbed his chin before making him look up at me, "You watch how you speak to me or you'll get punished" he whimpered a bit but nodded his head. I kissed his forehead and nose before grabbing his things from his hand and grabbing mine.

I walked towards the car before putting them inside then opening the car door for him to get in. He thanked me and got in the passenger seat while I walked around and got into the driver's seat. After buckling myself in I turned towards him and spoke up, "You ready to go? You didn't forget anything, right? Cause we are stuck at Oikawa's house for the weekend" he laughed a bit making me smile, "Yeah I'm sure I didn't forget anything." "Alright then" I pecked his lips one last time before beginning the drive over to Oikawa's. It wasn't that far, about thirty minutes but still annoying anyway.

We talked about a bunch of things but I noticed that every once in a while Iwaizumi would shift around in his seat and fan himself with his hand. I didn't comment on it because I knew how sensitive he was towards me making any comments about his heat. Even though we've been dating for four years and I've helped with his heat many times he still gets embarrassed talking about it with me. Which I find super adorable since he turns fifty shades of red whenever I even mention it. Arriving at Oikawa's house I grabbed our things before following after Iwaizumi.

He knocked on the door and it wasn't long until it was slammed open by the birthday man himself. "Hey, guys. Come on in. Iwa-chan~ you're alpha is looking as radiant as ever. Make me wanna steal him" I rolled my eyes while Iwaizumi smack the fuck out of Oikawa's head making me stifle a laugh. Clearing my throat I speak up, "I'm flattered Oikawa but I'm already with the love of my life. Also, where do I put our bags cause they're getting annoying" "Ahh you can put them in the guest room" I nodded my head and headed towards where he pointed at, Iwaizumi following behind me.

Once I put the bags down I felt arms wrap around my waist and someone's head nuzzled into my mid-back. I smiled a bit knowing it was Iwaizumi, turning around I held him in my arms while gently playing with his hair, "What's wrong bubs?" "Did you mean it?" "Mean what bubs?" He rested his chin on my chest before replying, "Did you mean what you said to shittykawa?" He stared at me with a straight face while I stared at him with the brightest smile, "Every word bubs." He nodded his head.

We went back to the living room and spent the rest of the day with Oikawa. We did whatever he wanted since this was his sleepover but honestly I was so damn bored. It was about 11 pm when he said he'd be back since he was going to the bathroom to shower, knowing him that would take me a whole hour. Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh, looking at the culprit I saw Iwaizumi staring back at me with lust-filled eyes. "Shit bubs did your heat start?" He shrugged a bit before climbing onto my lap. Wrapping his arms around my neck he began rolling his hips against my semi-hard cock making me groan in response.

I stand up and wrapped his legs around my waist for stability before taking him towards the guest room. I set him down on the bed while going into one of our many bags to look for heat suppressants. As I was looking for the suppressants I didn't notice that Iwaizumi was inching closer to me until he was pulling down my sweatpants and underwear allowing my cock to spring out. I shivered and groaned a bit as the cold air hit my cock. It wasn't long before he had his hands and mouth wrapped around my cock. "Shit baby" I grunted out as he began deep throating my cock. He continued sucking me off until I released all over his mouth and his face.

Once I calmed down I pulled my cock out of his mouth before grabbing his chin. "Go ahead be a good boy and swallow it. Or you'll get punished for touching me without permission." He stared at me before I heard a gulping sound and he was sticking his tongue out showing he had swallowed everything. I smirked a bit before picking him off the floor and gently throwing him on the bed. I grabbed a condom from one of the bags, that didn't even put in there I found it later. I turned him around so that he was on all fours before I pulled down his pants and underwear. Looking at his slicked up hole I bent down before spreading his cheeks apart and sticking my tongue inside. He let out a loud mewl while grinding himself into my tongue. I continued to eat him out until I knew he was close, once he was close I pulled away making him let out a loud whine and whimper.

Putting on the condom, I began rubbing my tip against his hole before I spoke up, "I'd suggest you quiet down. Wouldn't want your best friend to see you like this." I slammed myself in and he let out a silent moan, "Or maybe you do. Maybe you want Oikawa to see how much of a wreck you become for my cock" he shook his head while whimpering loudly. I chuckled darkly before grabbing his hips and beginning to thrust into him. He grabbed the sheets for stability while he bit his bottom lip to stop himself from moaning loudly. I continued thrusting into him as I slipped one of my hands towards his chest and began playing with his nipples.

He let out loud whimpers and whine as I continuously railed him. I pulled out before turning him around and slamming my cock back in. He let out a strangled moan since I hit his prostate. I continued hitting his sweet spot until he was leaving nail marks on my back and bite marks on my shoulders. I began making leaving love bites all over his body before I decided to stop messing around with him. Thrusting into him harder and faster I grabbed his cock before beginning to jerk him off. "A-alpha im c-close" "S-shit baby me too" he grabbed my free hand as tears of pleasure streamed down his face. It wasn't long before he released all over his stomach and my hand. He clenched around me causing me to groan and release all over the condom.

We collapsed onto the bed panting heavily. I pulled out making him whimper a bit before I grabbed some tissue and began cleaning the both of us up. After throwing the tissues and the condoms away and wrapping the blanket on the both of us I heard the room door open and there stood Oikawa with a bloody nose and a red face. Iwaizumi and I chuckled awkwardly before speaking at the same time, "Um happy birthday?"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Also I wrote this at 8 am. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Cheater! Matsukawa Issei x Oikawa Tooru

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