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Character: Eita Semi
Type: Lemon 🍋
Story Name: First Time
Request: bokuto_senpaii
The reader is also extremely shy.


(M/n pov)

I sat on a bench waiting for the team practice to finally be over so that me and Semi can finally go home. As I was watching TikToks on my phone I heard footsteps getting closer to me. Looking up ever so slightly to see Tendou smiling at me with what seems a mischievous glint in his eye.

"(M/nnn~) I have a question I want to ask you" "O-oh, um w-what is it, Tendou-senpai" I say avoiding all eyes contact with him, also silently looking for Semi. "Have you and semisemi done IT yet?"

I gasp slightly and blushed fifty shades of red. "U-u-um n-no" he laughs and was about to say something when a volleyball hits him in the back of the head and I'm grabbed by my arm. I look and see Semi is the one dragging me away. He turns towards me and slightly smiles "let's go home, baby eagle" I nod my head but the question that Tendou had asked was still lingering in my mind.

(Time skip~, Semi pov)

We finally got to my house, which was empty. My parents out for business. On the way home I noticed how (M/n) was quite even more quite than usual. We shower and are now sitting on the couch watching a movie but he stills seems like there is something on his mind. "Baby" I call out. He jumps up and ever so slightly turns toward me, thanks to the light from the TV I can see his face is red. I caressed his cheek with my hand.

"Is everything okay? You've been really quite and seem to be spacing out a lot." He looks down and starts fiddling with his fingers, he takes a deep breath and speaks up "S-semi do y-you not wanna do IT with me?" He has tears in his eyes and his voice is quite. I raise an eye brow and gently grab his face. "What gave you that idea, baby eagle? Look I know we've been dating for a while but I want to make sure you're comfortable and have your full consent".

He takes another deep breath before straddling over my lap. "I want to do it. I t-trust y-you" I put my hands on his thighs and rub them up and down. I take my right hand and put it at the back of his head and pull him towards me. The kiss starts of gentle and sweet but it got more passionate as soon as I swiped my tongue over his bottom lip asking for permission to enter. Which he gladly gave me. We part for a second and then I peck his lip, standing up I start going to the stairs with his wrapped around me. I place him on the bed and he look up at me a bright blush covering his face.

"P-please be g-gentle"

"Of course, my love"


I hope you enjoyed. I'll let your minds run free. Love you my sweet potatoes. I did try my best so hehe

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